This is pretty much what I would take off the wall for a single days hunt, if I planned on one night out I would take two blankets and a ground cloth if the weather is dry, I don't stay out much any more if it is going to rain. aside from what is shown would be a larger sheath knifeand a hatchet, a length of medium rope and a couple of 2'x2' chunks of patching/cleaning material and some food wrapped in clean cotton, cheese/cold sausage or ham, hard boiled eggs and some type of hard cracker or bisquit this is all carried in the shoulder bag, in the pic is stuff for ball or shot. rolled up in protective layers of cloth would be a GPS and two way radio....Dad is 79 and I don't care to loose him to the forest, I just remembered the fire starting kit which is in a small can, it is always with me.