Once upon a time, long ago, when the ML craze first hit, and the first seasons opened up, a friend of mine was at a party, and got to talking to a guy who had just got a ML, and hearing my friend had a ML, and was a ML shootier, asked him if he knew why he could no longer load it. Could no longer get a ball/bullet down the barrel.
My friend asked him if he had cleaned it. Guy says "no, I've never cleaned it". Friend starts to explain that he needs to clean it, often.
Guy became seriously mad, angry, furious, said that cleaning a gun was the stupidest thing he ever heard, and argued that no gun had to be cleaned ever, including ML's and that said friend was giving him a line of bull-pucky, but not in those words. Anger to the point that said guy actually wanted to physically fight my friend, over the disagreement. !!! Luckily, friend walked away.
We laughed about that for years, wondering if that guy ever cleaned his rifle, or got it loaded again, or was still trying to pound a ball down his dirty barrel.