Help with Jäger Rifle .62 Loads

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Your mink oil stands the best chance of success. Some of your others will foul badly, requiring more frequent bore cleaning.
Forget the Ox Yoke, and anything with beeswax in it for general shooting. It is okay for hunting, but not for general range use.
I would start with plain old spit until it groups well, then experiment with making lubes.
Your patch and ball combination should be good. I use 95 gr. Schutzen 3FFF, and mine groups quite well.
Ok Guys,
I have testet Okive Oil and Beeswax .600Ball with 0.18PillowThicking 80grs. It was not bad at 50Yards. Now i would test Minkoil and the good old Spit!
You say not to use the OkiveOil/Beewax combi in target use so i say 20-40 Shots?😵😏i clean it after every shooting day with hot soap water and an hose what screwed into the fireringhole. I flush it good and after that i use patches with wd40 and balistol.
Beeswax and olive oil are the basic Ox Yoke, Bore Butter. It builds up in the bore. In cold weather, the beeswax can render the gun impossible to load after a couple shots.
Ok so only straight Mink Oil or Spit?
I offten make Targetshooting but i also go hunting . But is the Balistic different when i try different Lubes?! I hope for good Advice in both Situations!
I hunt with mink oil where the load may be in the barrel for weeks. At the range I've found avocado oil works VERY well, and better than olive oil.
Seems the 20 bore ja''ger are popular I made one 26'swamped brl ' after ' Fridrich Bickel c 1670 shewn in Shumways booklet page 58 .I made it dogged to provide the half cock as the set trigger needed cocking ere it would full cock . Works fine 600 ball 20 thou ticking just shot 2&1/2 drams ( 70 grains maybe ) not used it much .
How about this one Rudyard. About 1720 ish. Left handed, but with right side lock. Simon
How about this one Rudyard. About 1720 ish. Left handed, but with right side lock. Simon
View attachment 117634
Dear Simon What about it ?. It looks brilliant to me ,There is a Vieneese maker Michael Wagner in Shumways booklet Page14 has a similar guard if dated 1703 Allway's appealed to me. Yours looks like it.s brass mounted that's a Viennees trait .( Most German ones seem iron mounted ) Left hand bloke got a right handed lock on Special ?. He won it in a shooting match ?. It was all they had in the shop & the customer didn't want to wait ?. Iv'e no idea .Ide live with it. Pity George is dead he would know if any one would . Any makers name ? . Looks a nice piece whatever .the reason .
Best wishes Rudyard
Today was another test with only bad results…😞no good groupings with the Jäger !
With my Kibler Colonial Rifle .54 i hold the 10 at 50 Meters with no problems!!! But whats the Jäger Secret i have .600&.610 RB with 0.10,0.15,0.18 Patches. I use Schweizer 3 Powder csn please anyone held it was was said every try goes bad😫
I'd try the .610 ball and the .018 patch with 60 gr's powder, 5 shot group, locate my spent patches and see what they say. If the patches were good and the group was fairly tight I would try to bring it in with adjusting the powder upward.
Keep at it, you'll find the combo!
As it happens I shot a 600 call ball with 20 thou ticking patch yesterday with 2& a half drams about 70 grains of Curtis & Harveys number 4 ( very old tins ) I got . At 55 yards it grouped but need alter the guessed at sights. Its a new rifle I made 28" barrel about one turn in 30" as it happened . maybe of interest .
Regards Rudyard
Ok good but what Lube?! Jow often clean the barrel in the test? Friends i was very said about the non funktion of my trying
Today was another test with only bad results…😞no good groupings with the Jäger !
With my Kibler Colonial Rifle .54 i hold the 10 at 50 Meters with no problems!!! But whats the Jäger Secret i have .600&.610 RB with 0.10,0.15,0.18 Patches. I use Schweizer 3 Powder csn please anyone held it was was said every try goes bad😫

Let's see your patches after you shoot?
Look for holes OR if the patches are all torn apart.
You have a new barrel and often they have burrs that damage patches and the patches then disintegrate when you shoot.
Burnishing a Flintlock Bore
Hello, the Rifle was Second Hand patches are ok so i look but not good groupings i cant understand with my other Glinters i grouping good..but i have no idea what to do