Help with powder flask

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50 Cal
Feb 28, 2025
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Hi, I'm new to this and have a question. I bought this vintage powder flask today with the intention of using it. I have to admit I can’t get it to work and I assume it’s just because I’m new and not a defect in the flask.

There’s powder in it, but when I depress the spring loaded top, nothing comes out. The spring seems to work and I believe it’s functioning. When I unscrew the spout, it looks like the photos below. I see where the powder is supposed to enter the opening, but it’s pretty shallow. There’s also a threaded bolt that looks like it is to adjust something. When the spout is depressed, it doesn’t look like there’s enough room for powder to flow past it. What do I need to do to make this work? Also, on top of the flask there’s another opening with nothing in it. What’s that for?
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Are you trying to pour it free-flow? It looks like the mechanism is designed to fill the sleeve through the "mouth" in the side, and close it off when you push the plunger. This would allow the powder in the sleeve to pour out and give a predetermined charge.
I’m just trying to pour anything. There’s powder in the flask already (I’ll dump and refill with my own when I figure this thing out). I feel like the amount of powder that fits in the “mouth” is adjustable (because of the threaded bolt coming out of the bottom), but currently it’s very shallow - not allowing almost any powder inside.

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