High polished brass on new build

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32 Cal
Mar 8, 2025
Reaction score
Morning all, I am debating going with a high polished brass on my new Fowler build. It seems like most want the patina look with their gun. Which I also like… lol.

Do any of you have high polished brass on your guns? How does it hold up? I know it’s a lot of work to sand it down and get that mirror finish, my question is after 20 days in the field this spring is it going to require doing all over again to keep that look? If so I probably won’t mess with taking it to that point.

This smoothie will se MANY mornings in the turkey woods and multiple states just this spring alone.
One of the first things I do when building a rifle is to file and polish all the brass. Usually before the rifle is finished the brass is already starting to tarnish, I never touch it again. Real brass is going to tarnish. If you want a shiny brass finish then you are going to spend a lot of time polishing it over the years.
I think it looks really nice… if turkeys spook because of it I would dull it down, but I honestly don’t see that being an issue with a little common sense
If it’s a dedicated hunting gun it’s going to tarnish unless you are really diligent about keeping it polished. I just let mine age naturally. Doesn’t really glint that much at all in the turkey woods! This gun is also about 22 years old. I’d say let it earn its patina and rightfully display it.

Mine gets a high polish and then pretty much let be after that. Mine are all hunting guns and the brass doesn't seem to be a factor in the woods.

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