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Don`t know if any type of hc but the story was prettygood as was the cast.
Not too bad a good way to seprn a littlr time.

Yeah, those older b movies are pretty good at passing time, I like ‘em. One thing I like is how insp has those new into the wild frontier series episodes , reminds me of those b movies but full of history.

Watching an entertaining old movie right now with Robert Taylor called Many Rivers to Cross. Kentucky mountain man type stuff, semi comedy, got a good shootin match driving nails, a humdinger knock down drag out with Taylor and Alan Hale Jr,, ( Gilligan's Island ), going to finish it up here in a few minutes.

Has anyone read The Long Rifle by Stewart Edward White? Printed in 1932. Reading it now, been kicking around here for years, so far a very good read.
Going to look for Sacred Ground. Its interesting that Tim McIntire is starring in it. He collaborated on the excellent sound track to Jeremiah Johnson!
I watched this movie over the last couple of days, found a VHS copy on ebay. Sort of a Jeremiah Johnson wannabe, but quite a watchable, enjoyable movie.
Great scenery filmed in Oregon.
I did note that the "Hawken" rifle he carried appeared to be a T/C Seneca all tacked up with geegaw, by its size, apparent light weight and the distinctive Seneca cheekpiece.

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