40 Cal
For us, it was the leftover cornbread ( soft leavened kind, not hoecake) from dinner (as in MIDDAY meal... This was SUPPER in the evening...) Crumbled in sweet (whole) milk, a satisfying and quick meal after a HARD day working for my grandparents, great-aunts, etc., during FL Panhandle summers. Thankfully, we were, by that time, a couple of generations beyond the "cooking hoecake over a fire at the edge of the field" stage, and the midday dinner was the big meal of the day...
Yeah...ours was probably leftover too, as we would generally do this primarily with breakfast.
I noticed you said dinner and supper...we always called it lunch and supper here in Tennessee. I think maybe the word "dinner" denotes the prime meal, (as you said). good memories...