Homeowner uses muzzleloader on home intruder

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Hope this doesn't get the 'wrong' types thinking muzzle loaders should be lumped in with newer arms. Maybe they'll realize these antique guns aren't as wimpy as they think.
My only question..... WHY was a warrant issued for his residence? What were they looking for? He was being attacked ( I'll even go as far as "allegedly" ), he was the victim so they invade his home looking for....what?
100% agree. Nonsense. Seems to be sop these days I'm guessing. Wrong
My thought too! From what I've heard, if you shoot them outside, drag them in. LOL.

However, in this case, all the homeowner needs to say is, "I shot him in the house, but he ran away."

And I totally agree - why a search warrant for the homeowner??? Then again, it's to be expected in this day and age. I recall talking to a resident in N CA near MT Lassen. He said there were only a few cops for this giant county and it was expected that residents take care of matters themselves. There were unsolved murders and missing persons - it was understood "he must have been somewhere he shouldn't have been." There was no way the police could protect and take care of everyone, so it was understood - take care of yourself.

He told of someone calling the DMV and asking what to do about the expired license plates - how to get the car inspected. The clerk said just drive it in. If you get stopped, tell them you're heading here and it'll be ok.

Almost made me want to move there. LOL
There is more to this one.

The home owner was elderly.
I suspect this had something to do with the homeowner’s adult son.
I believe there’s a connection with the
perpetrators and the adult son.
I smell drug activity, that’s why the home was searched imho.

At face value the homeowner looks to be
clear but again, there’s more to this, there usually is.
From what I've heard, if you shoot them outside, drag them in. LOL.
I wonder what the law would do if a center of mass, point-blank blast from a 10- or 12-gauge double knocks him back out of the doorway?

The home owner was elderly.
I suspect this had something to do with the homeowner’s adult son.
I believe there’s a connection with the
perpetrators and the adult son.
I smell drug activity, that’s why the home was searched imho.
I'm glad the homeowner is OK. I know many decent, church going seniors whose lives have been devastated by their offspring's drug addiction and criminal actions. Twenty years ago, my close neighbor had to kill his own grandson when the drug crazed young man attacked the grandmother with a knife; because she had no cash to give him for buying drugs. I've lost several young relatives to ODs, and the flow of illegal drugs and dealers into our country never stops.
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I once knew a fellow in Missouri, my former girlfriend's brother, who kept a Ruger Old Army loaded for home defense. Not my first choice but better than nothing I suppose. As an experiment I kept an 1851 Colt replica loaded for about six months, uncapped, and all cylinders fired.