40 Cal
For those who use hoppes #9 plus as patch lube, do you cut it or use full strength? Tks
Tks muchStraight from the bottle.
What do the directions say?For those who use hoppes #9 plus as patch lube, do you cut it or use full strength? Tks
huh the team limington I DIDNT relize you had beat all the scores.FYI, I shot 30-shots using it at a woodwalk yesterday and I never had to swab the barrel. Before a shoot, I pre-cut my patches square, then put X drops (see what your load/rifle likes the best!) onto each square, not in the center, but out from the center roughly aligned where the perimeter of the ball will be against the rifling, then I rub it in a bit. I was using red-striped pillow ticking. Then I use a large needle to thread the patches onto a length of yarn hanging off my possible bag.
As others noted, they can 'dry out' if left out in an open envirnoment for days. If I lube them the night before, I'll stack them and wrap tight in a ziplock bag. I'll always prepare 2 to 3X as many patches as I think I'll need for the day's shooting. Any left over are kept in the ziplock bag and I'll just shoot them up at the next range session. If I need more on a day's shoot, it takes but minutes to thread more onto the yarn off my shooting bag.
I had used this lube when I took 1st place out of 54 shooters at the 100-yard contest at last year's NE Flintlock Championship shoot. Load and shoot all day ... where bore conditions remained the same and it was 95-degrees+ out with wicked high humidity. And clean-up is a breeze too! It is my 'go to' BP 'patch' lube for any time temps are above freezing, where I'll use mink oil for my hunting loads. [Disclaimer: Expressly for my minies and/or paper cartridge loads, I use them dipped into a beeswax/olive oil mix.]
Note below where the Product# is the same. Not sure 'why?' Hoppe's changed the label from BP Gun Bore Cleaner & Patch Lubricant to just say BP Gun Bore Cleaner. So I sent them an email and asked them that ... as I believe they are really missing out on a marketing aspect for use of this solvent as an excellent patch lube. If I hear anything ... I'll report back!
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If you read it correctly, I never said I beat ALL of the scores, lol ... just those shot at the 100-yard line.huh the team limington I DIDNT relize you had beat all the scores.