Hoppes #9 plus patch lube

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Full strength ... in warmer (above freezing) weather this lube is awesome! Load and shoot all day without swabbing, even in my big 75s with 100-grn loads of 1 or 2Fg powdah, depending on if I use the 48" or 60" barrel. Best to exepriment with "how many drops" of lube on the patch your barrel prefers, or at least that is what I'll do when tuning a load.
This stuff works great too! 👍🏻
Yeah, bout the same here. I’ve got a small bottle of #9 plus that came with a blackpowder cleaning kit I bought from Dixie Gun Works back in 79. Never really used it though. Been using hoppes oil for long time.
I found it on Amazon...but I dont think the current offering is labeled as lube also..just black powder solvent. I used to use it exclusively, but got away from it with its tendency to dry out on my prelubed patches.
Dont matter. Were men, we do not read the directions. We all do what we want when we want how we want with who we want (with required permissions as each case is different and we all have different levels of swmbo lurking).

That said full strength, mess with what size drop works best and duplicate it. I got my last bottle at Sportsmans Warehouse.

Also as I have stated earlier in many places do not use this expensive PATCH LUBE for cleaning, water actually works better and faster. I may at times soak a nipple in it if real cruddy but my nipple care is pretty good and I usually dont shoot enough to get my nipple pores clogged.
I ordered the Hoppes # 9 Plus black powder patch lube.....twice, from two different suppliers. In both cases, got the new "Hoppes # 9 Plus SOLVENT. Tried to return, and both suppliers just said, "Keep them. We'll refund your money." Even Vista Outdoors, which owns Hoppes, had no idea the product label had changed, and could not tell me if the formula was the same or different. I now have eight bottles of the stuff. I guess I'll have to try it!

ADK Bigfoot
I contacted the manufacturer last year specifically asking about the labeling and the formula, if it was the same product. They promptly got back to me stating that it was the same product (patch lube and solvent). In use, I certainly never noticed any difference...just as I shot more, I realized it wasnt doing what I needed. (patches dry out in storage).
FYI, I shot 30-shots using it at a woodwalk yesterday and I never had to swab the barrel. Before a shoot, I pre-cut my patches square, then put X drops (see what your load/rifle likes the best!) onto each square, not in the center, but out from the center roughly aligned where the perimeter of the ball will be against the rifling, then I rub it in a bit. I was using red-striped pillow ticking. Then I use a large needle to thread the patches onto a length of yarn hanging off my possible bag.

As others noted, they can 'dry out' if left out in an open envirnoment for days. If I lube them the night before, I'll stack them and wrap tight in a ziplock bag. I'll always prepare 2 to 3X as many patches as I think I'll need for the day's shooting. Any left over are kept in the ziplock bag and I'll just shoot them up at the next range session. If I need more on a day's shoot, it takes but minutes to thread more onto the yarn off my shooting bag.

I had used this lube when I took 1st place out of 54 shooters at the 100-yard contest at last year's NE Flintlock Championship shoot. Load and shoot all day ... where bore conditions remained the same and it was 95-degrees+ out with wicked high humidity. And clean-up is a breeze too! It is my 'go to' BP 'patch' lube for any time temps are above freezing, where I'll use mink oil for my hunting loads. [Disclaimer: Expressly for my minies and/or paper cartridge loads, I use them dipped into a beeswax/olive oil mix.]

Note below where the Product# is the same. Not sure 'why?' Hoppe's changed the label from BP Gun Bore Cleaner & Patch Lubricant to just say BP Gun Bore Cleaner. So I sent them an email and asked them that ... as I believe they are really missing out on a marketing aspect for use of this solvent as an excellent patch lube. If I hear anything ... I'll report back!

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Just got a bottle from Midway USA, cant wait to try it out. I assume patches must be lubed just prior to shooting, or can they be wetted and stored in a air tight tin until needed with a reasonable amount of time ?
FYI, I shot 30-shots using it at a woodwalk yesterday and I never had to swab the barrel. Before a shoot, I pre-cut my patches square, then put X drops (see what your load/rifle likes the best!) onto each square, not in the center, but out from the center roughly aligned where the perimeter of the ball will be against the rifling, then I rub it in a bit. I was using red-striped pillow ticking. Then I use a large needle to thread the patches onto a length of yarn hanging off my possible bag.

As others noted, they can 'dry out' if left out in an open envirnoment for days. If I lube them the night before, I'll stack them and wrap tight in a ziplock bag. I'll always prepare 2 to 3X as many patches as I think I'll need for the day's shooting. Any left over are kept in the ziplock bag and I'll just shoot them up at the next range session. If I need more on a day's shoot, it takes but minutes to thread more onto the yarn off my shooting bag.

I had used this lube when I took 1st place out of 54 shooters at the 100-yard contest at last year's NE Flintlock Championship shoot. Load and shoot all day ... where bore conditions remained the same and it was 95-degrees+ out with wicked high humidity. And clean-up is a breeze too! It is my 'go to' BP 'patch' lube for any time temps are above freezing, where I'll use mink oil for my hunting loads. [Disclaimer: Expressly for my minies and/or paper cartridge loads, I use them dipped into a beeswax/olive oil mix.]

Note below where the Product# is the same. Not sure 'why?' Hoppe's changed the label from BP Gun Bore Cleaner & Patch Lubricant to just say BP Gun Bore Cleaner. So I sent them an email and asked them that ... as I believe they are really missing out on a marketing aspect for use of this solvent as an excellent patch lube. If I hear anything ... I'll report back!

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huh the team shoot..in limington I DIDNT relize you had beat all the scores.