Cleaning up bison horns isn't such a chore, if you use the rigth tools. I cleaned up two 16" horns last saturday.
Start with the corses wood rasp you find and get ridd of all the brittel scale.
Now get a knife and grind away half the blade. This gives better controll and strength when scraping the horn. Getting ridd of all the flaws and white lines takes just a bit of elbow grease.
Don't use sandpaper until all the white lines are scraped away.
Best regards
Start with the corses wood rasp you find and get ridd of all the brittel scale.
Now get a knife and grind away half the blade. This gives better controll and strength when scraping the horn. Getting ridd of all the flaws and white lines takes just a bit of elbow grease.
Don't use sandpaper until all the white lines are scraped away.
Best regards