I suppose it Could happen, but then it could happen with anything you use to prime. Just have to try and be careful.
colmoultrie said:"...If anyone wants to think the poor guy was smoking, feel free to disregard the story..."
Maybe it's just as simple as my cleaning & shooting regimen...I shoot a 50 shot range session every weekend, I religiously take a few minutes about every 15-16 shots (twice during a range session) and clean the frizzen, flint, pan, touch hole, etc, using alcohol on a cloth, Q-tips & pipe cleaners...I do it primarily to ensure clean ignition and avoid a ker-latch, but a side benefit is that nothing is ever allowed to build up in that area at all.
CoyoteJoe said:There are lots of things which sometimes happen that cannot be explained nor reproduced, like say chainfires in properly loaded revolvers. I've never seen it happen and don't see how it could but I still won't put a hand ahead of the cylinder.
arquebus said:A member of the British team was repriming his matchlock musket after a couple of flash-in-the-pans when the priming flask blew up.