Hot off the press, Smooth Rifled Fowler

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40 Cal
Oct 2, 2021
Reaction score
Smooth rifled fowler...
I'm sure everyone will have their own opinion and I'm not sure what I'm going to call it yet, my smooth rifle, or my fowler.
I didn't follow any one particular builder or school. I just built what would please my eye.
Something I can shoot roundball or shot out of.

A few weeks ago I shaped a stock off a big butt Lancaster pattern at Jack's Mountain stock company. The way it worked out, I had the time (my wife may argue) to get the gun built in 3 weeks time.
Thanks again Jim K for picking up my lock at Kempton 🙂

Anyhow I used the Lancaster profile as I said, but used track's fowler butt plate, trigger guard, and an early ketland lock then shaped the gun to accommodate.
I built the gun to hunt turkeys with so I put a rear sight on it. I was not going without.

This is the barrel I won by Bobby Hoyt at our May 2day shoot. I can explain the modern choke design in a video. I'll post the link.

Before turkeys next spring, I'm planning to blast a few bushy tails once the season starts this Saturday.

Thanks for looking
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Nice gun. But "smooth rifle" is an oxymoron terminology.
So is juvenile delinquent 😊
A smooth rifle is a gun on a rifle stock, a term used in colonial days.
I would call this a colonial Fowling gun, as it has fowler type trigger guard, and fowler though Pennsylvania style butt, it’s doesn’t look like a contemporary rifle
My smooth rifle built off an I Hines plan
Rifle in all but inside of the barrel and too heavy to be a handy Fowling piece
Wouls not a Smooth Rifle have a rear sight vs a Fowler? Asking for a friend
Hence why I don't know what to call it.
Everything on it looks like a fowler but it has a Lancaster profile which I rounded, and a rear sight
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