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toot, drinking Frank's Red Hot Sauce right out of the bottle sounds fun. For a party, the one-gallon size at $11.28 might be a good choice.
Gun Tramp, yes we can give every one a STRAW, LOL!LOL!
I never understood the point of deadening your taste buds with something so hot you can't taste the food you're eating. Isn't it kind of an insult to the cook?
some times it is a blessing added to the cooks fare!
the troupes in AFGANISTAN when in a combat situation lasting more than a day will carry little packets from the PX of TABASCO SAUCE and rub it into there eyes to keep from nodding off and getting over run.
Though it isn't hot (you can drink it straight from the bottle), Tobasco has been my favorite for flavor for the last seventy years. I did notice a slight change in taste about 30-40 years ago, but it is still pretty good.
I like:


But as hot sauces go, these are barely "warm" for the folks that really enjoy a very spicy sauce. Alas I cannot go any hotter as I have a reaction to capsicum...
I get hiccupping fits if the stuff is too hot for me. :confused:

The hottest stuff I ever tried was from a Middle Eastern ethnic food store. This stuff almost sent me to the hospital, no lie. My wife, being from the Caribbean, loves spicey stuff and her brother even more. I would used a single teaspoon of this stuff in 3 gallons of chili, and that was as hot as I could go. The brother in law came to visit, and put a teaspoon of this paste on a burger, and even he had a tough time...sweating like guy doing massive workout. It's called Harissa Paste:
My in-laws now say they have found hotter stuff. They love stuff based on the Scotch Bonnet pepper, which has a flavor they remember from "the old country",


But they also tell me that stuff made from Ghost Pepper is also very hot, but they don't like the flavor as much....I can't image there is any "flavor" but I'm a "lightweight" so.... Not real sure the label on this brand is an endorsement....

It might make a good "de-wormer" if I every got intestinal parasites, perhaps ???


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Though it isn't hot (you can drink it straight from the bottle), Tobasco has been my favorite for flavor for the last seventy years. I did notice a slight change in taste about 30-40 years ago, but it is still pretty good.
GOD! you can remember back to 30 or 40 yrs ago? and notice a difference in the taste? how old are you? I am 70+++++ and can't remember what day it is, LOL!!
REALLY good flavor try AZ Gun Slinger. Just about right on heat and flavor is awesome (I will use 1/4-1/2 a bottle at breakfast. No hiccup
what happens at the other end when you don't have any ICE CREAM??
Toot, I'm coming up on 78. My first memory was the day they dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. I asked my grandmother why everyone was so excited, and she said it was because my dad was going to come home. My second memory was of him arriving.
I knew about drinking it for the adrenaline boost, but I hadn't heard about that.

The more you know.
ask AFGHAN vets that were in fire fights that lasted two or more VIET NAM we would have our buddies slap us and we would slap them.
Toot, I'm coming up on 78. My first memory was the day they dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. I asked my grandmother why everyone was so excited, and she said it was because my dad was going to come home. My second memory was of him arriving.
WOW!! 78 may GOD bless you with many more B-DAYS.great that he made it back in one piece! in B-DAYS i'm not far behind you!
Me too. He was an Anti-Aircraft Company Commander. His company made 5 Pacific invasion landings under fire and he never lost a man in combat during the entire war. He was finally killed in a robbery of his store about 26 years ago at age 86, on a day when he wasn't carrying. He had previously foiled several attempts when he was carrying. Died about 10:30 pm on Christmas Eve. Glad it wasn't Christmas Day.
JimCunn, so sorry to hear that. my belated condolences to you and your family. you come from good seed apparently?