I used and still use Tobasco, both red or green, but I find the flavor kind of "one dimensional". It's one way to choke down a first generation MRE, and the Brits traded quite handsomely for the stuff as all they had was curry powder.
Cholula and Sriracha I find have more than just peppers in them.
I sometimes make pepper relish for gifts. I grow my own cayenne, and Thai "ornamental chili" peppers, as well as habaneros...they all get vine ripened, so I have to decide if I'm going to give this relish for Thanksgiving or Christmas the April, prior. The Habaneros get fire roasted, and all of that gets put into a puree with some salt and vinegar, fresh garlic, and a tiny bit of sugar. This then gets "canned" in very small jam jars. So the people that I know that like it always want more, so I guess it's good (NOT that I can taste test it or anything)
My wife gets a big kick out of "pepper relish day" as I have to wear special goggles and a painting mask with filter or the stuff will kick my backside, and send me to the urgent care. She says I look like I'm handling plutonium or doing research on ebola or some such....