Houston Muzzleloaders

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32 Cal.
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Are there any traditional shooters in the Houston area. Sure would like to see some shooting and pick up pointers. Thanks and God bless our troops
I'm from the north on I-59. Cleveland. If you find an answer let me know. I have the beginning interest but no flintlock experience
A good starting point is to search the NMLRA website. They will have a link to local muzzleloading shooting clubs.
I used to live South of Houston in Brazoria County and shot at the Greenwood Gun Club just North of Brazoria on FM521. There is a Muzzleloading group at the club and they shoot the 1st Saturday of the month. Starts about 8:00. They are also listed on the TX-NMLRA site. http://www.greenwoodgunclub.org/

Here is the Longrifles contact info

Club: Greenwood Longrifles
Contact: Ken Springs
341 North Shanks
Clute, TX 77531

Cel #979-239-8372
[email protected]

I shoot on the last Sunday of the month in Electra (23 miles NW of Wichita Falls with the Red River Renegades. 125 miles from my house but worth it.

Club: Red River Renegades
Contact: Linda Lollis
5721 Fm 1206
Iowa Park, TX 76367
(940) 438-2375
[email protected] www.redriverrenegades.com
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