I was raised in the western part of New Jersey. As a teen, In the The mid-60’s, I was introduced to hunting And instantly hooked, I started hunting small game, and quickly graduated to whitetails, in great abundance in NJ at the time. Back then, firearm deer hunting was limited to using buckshot/shotgun. While I thoroughly enjoyed wing shooting waterfowl and upland game, using a scattergun, to hunt deer with one held little interest with me. I soon turned to archery and muzzleloading, both relatively new methods with few participants back then. My first muzzleloader was a percussion, built from a kit. I found the beauty of the rifle, along with its effectiveness at typical deer hunting distances to be very well suited. I quickly evolved to the flintlock, primarily because it’s history and design was very intriguing to me. It did demand greater knowledge and skill for success, but, once mastered, it added an extra measure of “romance” to the sport. To this day, my sense of satisfaction successfully taking a whitetail with a flintlock has not diminished. Hunting them in the still beautiful Northeastern woodlands with flintlock is like heaven!
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