I have all the old Colts. I go ranging quite a bit. I came up with a very practicable/workable manner in which I carry my arms. I devised a soft pistol pouch/slipper arrangement. Works real well. Over the years, I refined this manner of carry. I m out for hours and the arrangement needs to be comfortable and workable. Where I am, critters are a dangerous threat. I a l w a y s have more than one Colt s Patent repeater. Most of my pistols have 'Ranging Boundary Incursion' experience,-
1- This upper carrier harness works v e r y well! The pistol pouches go into the slippers. One side or the other can be disattached for single carry. Light and heavy Pocket (48/49 Pocket, Pocket Navy/Police), Belt old/new (1850/1860 Navy) and Improved/new Holster (1860 Army) can all be carried.
I got the idea of the basics from a scene in The Unforgiven where English Bob is in the barber.
2- The basic pouch/slipper arrangement,-