How do you store your muzzleloaders?

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Settin’ upright in the gun rack with the small cabinet underneath that I made in shop class in the 9th or 10th grade. Muzzle down for a while after cleaning.
In a gun safe, muzzle down for a week or four, then usually upright. All the suppository type firearms are in there too. I have a large, but short safe, so several rifles and muskets are at a 45 degree angle to get them to fit. The safe is as hidden as I can make it. A smaller, 6' tall safe would be nice for the long guns.
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Ditto and the door to the room is closed if any one is in the house. No reason for folks to see a safe.
Mine stand upright against the wall in a closet. I agree with the post regarding having too much lube in a barrel. A light film is all that is required to prevent rust. If you have more than a drop of lube that comes out of your flash hole or nipple, then you need to scale it back. Besides, a quick clean out with a dry patch before your first shot, should be enough to dry out the breech for firing.
Some on horizontal rack, some in antique cabinet, some ............................

I store mine in a safe , that is the law in New Zealand , Each firearm is in its own sock or blanket bag and is stored muzzle down on a rubber door mat . The ram rods are fitted with long jags so the actual muzzle does not touch the ground , They are all snuggled in together so they don't bounce about too much during earthquakes .
Got them both on the wall and in the gun cabinet. My neice rearranged the furniture and the cabinet now faces the front door which happens to have 3 little windows. Any yahoo/thief looking in can see the "goodies".Thank God for nosey neighbors. I think I need to rearrange things?
One of the nicest gun cases was in an Amish store. It was designed to look like a full length mirror to go in a bed room for the lady of the house. If you knew how to open it, it was a gun case for either long guns or pistols. You had your choice of which one you wanted.
I built a cabinet into a closet. Plywood framed with square steel tubing and put a deadbolt lock on it. I have quite a few firearms but the total value of them wouldn't pay for a real safe. My TC hawken spent 20+ years on the living room wall until my wife redecorated.
If I hadn't lost all mine in a boating accident then I would store mine like this (and a small unmentionable in a convenient undisclosed location)
They have equipment these days that should be able to locate and recover all of those "lost guns" from that tragic boating accident. Just sayin'... :cool:
Muzzle up. Just wipe them clean and re-oil once a month or so. This goes for the unmentionables as well. Long guns standing on their muzzles often times self-adjust to horizontal.
I’ve accumulated four muzzleloaders now. 3 are muskets with 42-46” barrels. Aside from leaning them in a corner what are some good options for storage? These things are big. I’ll probably add 2-3 more in the next year or two. How do you all store them?
Mine hang in the front hall on Hangers. I have two of them on one wall over two works of art, and then the wall over the chais longue holds the other three, one above the other. They have bags and horns hanging between them at intervals. My .60 Smoothrifle looks great above my wife's Bierstadt print.

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