How I lube cut at the muzzle patches

Muzzleloading Forum

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how much for a roll of your lubed patch ?
I heat the lube in a skillet. Once melted, take a roll of patch material and stand it up in the skillet, it will absorb what it needs. Squeeze it out, and do the next one. I’m in no hurry, I’ll do 3 to 4 rolls at a time.

Pour the left over lube into a container and let it set up. Let the patch material cool, and store in a ziplock bag until needed. I have a water proof canvas bag that I put patching material into for treks…this goes into my Haversack.

Everything I need to shoot my gun for a couple days…goes into or is attached too my shooting bag.

Extra shooting materials, fire kit, cooking stuff, seasonings, couple days rations, etc…Haversack.

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