The only time I decided to pull a stuck ball over other methods I had used, (co2, powder under nipple, air compressor) Was when I stuck a ball about halfway down the barrel because of fouling. Being it was a 50 caliber I took a 7/16 steel rod, center drilled both ends, of one that was about 3 feet long. Braised a 1/8 inch drill bit in one end and a good sheet metal screw in the other. Put one rap of electrical tape over the rod to protect the barrel, drilled the ball using a pair of vise grips, turn it around, using vise grips screwed into the ball, slid a short piece of pipe over the rod, clamped on the vise grips, and using the short pipe a slide hammer, tapped it Right out of the barrel. I now have the tool if I ever pull such a dumb stunt again.