How traditional are you?

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I guess I'm an A+ :) I love toting my longrifle whilst hunting. I have taken many a deer with any one of my shorter Hawken style weapons. Been bitten by the flintlock bug a couple of years ago but before that enjoyed my caplocks for 34 years I would guess. I don't feel out of place wearing my camo bibbs or camo hat but really wish I had one of those fox or coyote skin hats! I have taken most of my game with round balls that I have cast but killed a few with Maxi Balls as well out of my .45's. I love the looks and feel of all of my longrifles and that is enough for me even if I don't fill my tag. Greg. :)
I'm traditional because I was raised that way. No cable TV, no computer's (besides smartphone) no gaming systems... Think I was the only kid who had their dad come track them down in the woods on numerous occasions when told to come in! I often get made fun of at work, daily actually for being what many mainstreamers call a hillbilly. While I certainly don't think I'm a hillbilly I find so much greatness and pleasure in nature and being simple, certainly keeps allot of unnecessary stress away. I can say I'm in the woods everyday! I walk the river frequently and feel more in tune with nature than modern society.

I always hunt in garb, always use my flinter, never use modern scents, blockers, camo and fancy gizmos. In today's crazy world, it's nice to be as traditional as possible. Also, I really believe being traditional has allot to do with ones state of mind... Just my thoughts! Interesting thread! :thumbsup:
wattlebuster said:
I hunt with as traditional of a weapon as you can get in this modern world. I dont think anyone is or can be totally traditional nowdays. Ask yourself if your reading this on your 1757 style computer :idunno:

I agree, but what I was talking about was when "in character" or when shooting. The extent you chose to live like our ancestors, or if you make that choice at all. If you're (a) you're pretty free to do as you will without a nod to the past except for your firearm.

I don't think buckskinning is a life choice. Got to go to work sometime.
Somewhere around "b", I guess. I hunt with flintlocks, cast my own ball, use only BP, make my own powder measures, bags and doo-hickeys. I wear camo or canvas hunting coats. But I, too, get into the spirit when I hunt and even fantasize a little.
Gene L said:
Jumpshot said:
Are caplocks not considered traditional?

Where did that come from?

From this thread.

Gene L said:
Choices are (completely subjective)

a. Not very, I'll shoot any ML rifle (except inlines) wearing bluejeans and using BP or substitutes. Cap locks are fine.

b. A little more traditional...I use BP and round balls, but don't dress up for it

c. Pretty traditional...I strike fires with flint and steel, stick strictly to flintlocks, will wear mixed clothing and gear, what ever's handy. I know what a rondezvous is, but only go there to buy equipment.

bubba.50 said:
A for me. I've had other guns includin' a flinter or two but right now all of mine are caplock

Captjoel said:
I consider myself the last of the great pretender's!
I got rid of all of my modern weaponry years ago.
I enjoy shooting flintlock's best, but do own & shoot them modern percussion guns occasionally.

I get the impression only a flintlock is considered traditional by some. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just going by what I'm seeing posted here. That's why I asked.
AT my age comfort is the key, fun to have special garb, but, i like just to have fun, don't shoot much, but when I do....rifle, powder horn, and possibles bag...everything else is is my cleaners and other tools, and nice bench or p/u truck tailgate.............

marc n tomtom
Somwhere between c and d for me.... I have traditional clothing, but only wear it from time to time... I shoot percussion and flintlocks both.... For fun and to hunt with. I've made several traditional shelters and camped overnight in my own 20 acre woods without any cell phone or modern equiptment.... I use my imagination a lot and that to me is all part of the game. Thanks for an interesting post!
Percussion represents a short period of time. A later MM, much of Texas, the gold rush and the Oregan trail, with Ohio and Michigan style guns leaves a lot of room for being hc with percussion guns. However, the nuttiest wing of amuture historians love to fiddle with stuff. Flintlocks give you a lot of room to fiddle. Dyed in the capote hc pc nut jobs can be just as whacky with percussion as flinters, however that sort of personality often gets draw to sparks-in-the-face, I don't know why. Flinters get the best part of two hunndred years to play in, capers get about thirty.
I think it depends on the environment as to what to carry. A 1776 era rendezvou would not be the place to show up with a Hawken cap lock, and probably not a Hawken flintlock. I don't know, I'm just winging it here. Need to show respect for others, IMO. Showing up with a flintlock Kentucky rifle at a Civil War reenactment would likely be out of place.

I've said before my family history only goes back to the caplock era. I shoot both because I enjoy shooting them both and don't go to places where I'm expected to act a certain way.
Mostly (e ), but I do shoot percusion, while my food is strictly traditional, Sassafrass tea instead of coffee, apple and grape cider and apple jack instead of beer, spice berries and cloves instead of modern spices. Corn bread instead of wheat breads. etc. :idunno:
I bounce around "C" from the original choices.

Wear some blaze orange when hunting no matter what - but a vest over a watchcoat or rifleman's frock. When it gets below freezing I wear modern boots and Terra-mar long undies.

But I have fingerless gloves, mittens, caps and socks spun from the wool of our own sheep. That's a step back. ;-)
Often you can have early stuff late,just not late stuff early. A flinter or two was used in WBTS no percussion caps in ARW. Even some virgiana regiments took their uniforms from the revolution.
None of us can be 100% hc. We try, but can't ever get there. Even food, we can get fresh stuff year round, they couldn't. You can cook from an eighteenth century cook book, but even back then they couldn't get all the stuff at any time, or any place. Boonesville was a long way from philly or Boston.
We are a moon cast shadow.
Dreamin is livin!....

Every time I grab a muzzleloader or put on a single piece of traditional clothing, cook over a fire, start a fire with flint and steel, or even come here.....I'm dreamin, and livin.... :grin: :thumbsup:

Every adventure starts with a dream.......

You only live once boys....enjoy it. :grin:

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