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Hunter ethics??

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40 Cal.
Jul 18, 2007
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Does such a thing exist anymore? Sorry I need to rant a little. Took me 4 years but I got drawn for a managed hunt on a conservation area here. Of course I couldn't hunt this morning due to family commitments. So I go this afternoon. I walk 45 minutes to get to a secluded food plot. No one was there so I made myself at home. Planning to be there until dark or I shot a deer. Well about 2 hours into my hunt here comes some dufus making all kinds of noise walks right up to me and says is anyone else hunting here! Like an idiot I told him no so he proceeds to walk through the middle of the plot then off to the left and under the hill. Ruined my hunt! I was taught when you saw someone else you either went around or left quietly.
Same thing happened to me this morning. Two just tramped over my hunting area. Third one went around to my right and camped right there knowing I was hunting there.
Don't thing some people get it or they don't care.
Lack of common sense, lack of having the "golden rule"? Or is it the "me first"? Sure see it alot these days. Sorry your hunts we ruined, wish i knew a solution.

I don't know if it is that "People" just don't care of if they haven't been taught better. When I'm hunting I don't want to be around nobody and I don't nobody around me. I f I did walk in on someone I would immediately go back form where I came and try to hunt elsewhere. If you hunt public land this is bound to happen so you have to employ some simple basic ethics. Same way with Trout Fishing.
Sadly there are many rude people in this world and it gets even worse if you point out their rudeness to them. Let's face it the world is full of crooks, thieves and dis-respectful persons and the only thing that can be done is avoid them whenever possible. It's not right but it is what it is. The same has happened to me many times over the years; it will be better the next time out I bet.
Makes you wonder sometimes about people. This reminds me of a time hunting P.I. I was setup on a nice active spot that I had scouted for two days. A couple of nice bucks were coming through around 7:30 to 8:00am. The best spot for me to setup on them was about 30 yards off a road. Right at 7:35am this idiot who was there helping one of the other hunters comes walking down the road and sees me. I tried to get low but just couldn't get low enough heh... Next thing I know hes hollering at me "See anything!?" :shocked2: Now, I'm pretty serious when it comes to hunting so I don't take very kindly to being messed with. So I said, "No...and I'm not going to as long as your going to stand there and shout at me" :shake:

Really wonder about people sometimes..
There are some real Idiots in this world :cursing: Some call themselfs hunters just like some call themselfs politicians. We could do without both
On public ground, one never ever knows who may be there already or who may not know there is already there. I always carried a flashlight. Even in the middle of the day, I would try to aim this light into their face, even though I may be a long ways off. I wanted them to know that this area was already spoken for and to also know that there was another hunting here so that they can be sure to know their target if they were to shoot. I had always had the person (sometimes it was me!) just wave quietly and leave.
it is not just on public lands. I have sent several people home when they parked behind me and ytried to walk around my rig on land that I had sole permission to hunt and if they sqwaked I showed them the letter from the owner allowing me to call the county Sheriff if anyone declined my offer to leave.
all this reminds me of why I gave up hunting for awhile,I'd built a good duck blind several weeks prior to Teal and early duck season,I was training a very fiery young labrador that eventually became an AKC hunter champion well anyway we got in the blind very early that AM and just before daylight a guy and his buddy motor up in a big bass boat to hunt my blind when they found it occupied they just moved down the island less than 100yds and began to "skybust" @ every flight of ducks that came by. we were able to get a couple of teal that AM but that was the last time I hunted the area that has been 25yrs ago and I still don't duck hunt near home.BTW the dog wanted to bite them...she was a good judge of character :rotf:
Ethics n common sense ain't just missing from hunting. It's pretty much gone across the board everywhere. Being polite is pretty much gone too. Heck I got chewed out by a woman because I held the door open for her. Told her I was taught that a gentleman held a door for a lady but being as she didn't seem to be one I let the door go in her face. she shut up after that. Worst part about it is most of these folks are our childrens n grandchildrens ages, somewhere in the mix something got lost during the growing up period. Just some thoughts YMHS Birdman
Yes, I had a moron walk up to my stand on private land wanting to know if I'd seen anything. Already had him field dressed in my mind.
I don't find this the least bit surprising....I have been on public land pig hunts where there are so many hunters, you might as well stay home.

In CA, its is said that 90% of hogs are taken on private land.

Most folks don't have solid woods skills, or field etiquette that came from being taught by a previous generation.
You said it bro. The river is full of fish but hook one and next thing you know they are standing at your elbows casting over the same pool as you. It's the nouveau snobs that plunk down a couple grand on their platinum visa for a fly fishing outfit, then take some lessons and head for the river. They figure "hell I paid enough $$$ I can fish anywhere I want. They took lessons on how to catch fish but none on manners. Same thing hunting on public land. It's public so I have a right to be here is their mentality. Conversely they's probably be mad if they were there first and someone else barges in on them.
Ya, not what it should be. Some can be taught, others not so much.

My grandma was scared when I went deer hunting my first year (30+ years ago). She had one story of 2 hunters stealing another guys deer at gun point. And, her brother got a buck (when they were really hard to come by). Two guys came up, said nice buck. Then one shot the antlers off.

Fast forward 20 years and my uncle found a guy on his property. He took a different approach to keeping them off. He said his brother is hunting here, but comes from a "hospital". The bro loves to hunt, but may shoot at anything, so to be safe you "may wanna stay outta here". The guy left post-haste.

We now hunt on private land with good relations with the neighbors. The only problems are with road hunters.....
I had a womoan, dog in tow, on crosscountry skis, scold me for hunting on my own, POSTED, land.

When I told her, those are my signs, she was trespassing, she nearly choked on her spewed vitriol......
gblacksmith said:
I don't find this the least bit surprising....I have been on public land pig hunts where there are so many hunters, you might as well stay home.

there's a place me and my buddy go to down south that is ate up with pigs but they only allow dogs on it for a short time every year. On that first weekend every red neck with dogs for 200 miles shows up. The whole parking lot is overflowing with trucks and people with 2 or 3 head of dogs each. All this takes place on a fairly small WMA. The woods that weekend are ABSOLUTE PANDEMONIUM. Dogs and pigs running everywhere.

Although, to be fair, no one came there expecting it to be anything but that. It was kind of fun, you didn't even really need dogs. Just stand still, in a few minutes a pack will run by.

It was crazy, but the only way to even make a dent in the hog population. And it didn't really.
The trout fishig has gotten me before. I was fishing a hole on a stream when I was about 14- 15 yrs old. My dad was sitting behind me getting a smoke. This guy came walking up just as I hooked into a decent size trout. Now this was just a small little run. There's a reason my dad was smoking instead of fishing. Anyway I got the fish out of the water and didn.t even get the fish of the hook and he cast in over my shoulder. I simply took the fish off my hook. Looked at him and said good luck. Then leaned down and threw a 5 pound rock in the hole. :grin: He was going to say something but I guess he rethought it when he saw my dad sitting back there smiling.
I think it exists, but it doesn't take running into too many that don't have ethics to make one believe they don't exist at all. As more and more land is leased and closed off, more and more hunters will be forced into fewer and fewer places which will exacerbate the issue.

When I was a kid just starting to hunt over four decades ago, no trespassing signs were extremely rare. Everyone was welcome to hunt everywhere (almost)and it spread pressure and everyone got along. Plus, a code-of-conduct was probably more recognized then. Now, almost everything is posted off and/or leased. I'm not saying I blame those who lease or post their land...just saying it doesn't come without impact to the general hunting community. I fully suspect this will only get worse and worse over time.