Your not a genuine craftsman , 'til you learn how to fix your mistakes. Some 35 yrs. ago , a friend got a scratch built Jager rifle from me. He and some friends , were driving deer in the late season Pa. flintlock deer season. The day was very icy , and he said he made it to within feet of the truck and did an upside down aerial flip on the road pavement, landing on the stock of his Jager rifle. He was distressed when he brought m/ler to me for repair of the nearly "ell" shaped wrist A month later I called him to come by and examine his repaired stock. He couldn't believe the stock was fixed , and the repair was near invisible. I got lucky. Once the brown dyed epoxie was applied , the stock wood fibers hinged back into place. Application of a long # 10 drywall screw down through the inside of the wrist from the inside of the barrel tang inlet , again w/ more Epoxie fixed the smashed wrist in place permanently. A refinish job hid the mess from view. Again , I got lucky , and talked to the owner last week , and all is well w/ the Jager stock.