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If you ML hunt CO, you should know this

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70 Cal.
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Later this month there will be a regularly scheduled meeting of the colorado parks and wildlife commission. Of the several things on the agenda, one is a citizen petition to eliminate the use of lead projectiles for hunting in colorado.

You can comment on this by emailing members of the commission. Email adresses are on the CPW web page.

If you look at the citizen petition you will find it very well written and supported by hundreds of signatures. Most of the signatures are from people outside of Colorado. Some undoubtedly from people in your state!! Will the commissioners pay any attention to out of staters signatures? Yes! The Colorado State Constitution requires that wildlife be managed for the benefit of all Colorado residents and visitors.

Maybe you are one of those visitors or potential visitors. If so, you should send well thought out and reasoned messages to the members of the commission.
:( %&#@* they are kinda never ending you know.

They see what lie sticks in California and bring it to boulder Colorado to sell.

I'm all for the Bald eagle, but considering we have gone from 487 breeding pairs in 1963 to over 10,000 in 2000 (when they stopped counting yearly because there were solid numbers)
It is hard to understand how "lead from lost wounded game & gut piles" (their words) could suddenly be a threat when lead bullets have been around during the entire bald eagle comeback.

Anyone from California know of any groups that have fit this fight? :doh: Looks like the same people that got Bear hunting with dogs outlawed.
Condors must have expanded to Colorado. :cursing:

The idiots who elected your governor and representatives are responsible for this. You had a successful recall, why did you stop??? :nono:
I lived in Colorado yrs ago and cannot believe how the state has changed!
Poto, this is not happening at the governor or legislative levels. This is an attempt to have the ban written into the hunting regs. The parks and wildlife commission will hopefully deny the petition.

the petitioners are well organized and will probably go with a citizen initiative for a law or amendment to the state constitution if this does not work.

I'm hoping that with enough sportsmans response that it will be denied by the commission.

thanks to all you forum members who are responding to this.
I also sent off an e-mail to the NRA & The RMGO asking for help, then sent a note to ever pro hunter on my e-mail list.

Annnnnnd wrote this to give the topic a shameless bump to the top :wink:

Thinking about handing out something in front of one of the sporting goods stores but (as you know) I tend to be long winded in my writing. I think in a hand out less is more, so long as you get the information in.

Anyone wanting to help with wording an information sheet please PM me.
Has there been any studies in California of any change since they banned lead? Before I email I want to gather all the ammunition I can.

This initiative is another small step by haters of freedom. Lets kick them in the knees.

Happy Veterans Day
Such a ban of course has nothing to do with the environment, it's always a political move to take away the rights of the people. :youcrazy:

If a Kalifornian can sign their Commie petition, then maybe I can sign one written by Patriots that supports the reality that lead poisoning by a PRB is a healthy way for a creature to die to feed and clothe a man's family. :blah:
I sent one too. Feel free to plagiarize!

To whom it may concern
I heard recently that the Commission would be considering the ban of some/all lead ammunition for hunting in Colorado during an upcoming meeting. I hope you all will decide NOT to ban lead ammunition for the following reasons:
-Non-toxic bullets are significantly more expensive than traditional lead bullets and may preclude many hunters from hunting at all.
-Non-toxic bullets are not available for all weapons. There are no non-toxic alternatives for muzzleloaders. If you pass this ban thousands of muzzleloader hunters will no longer buy hunting licenses for Colorado. In addition, non-toxic bullets would be inefficient and less effective in muzzleloaders due to the significantly lower impact velocities muzzleloader produce. The "Barnes X-Bullet" "Nosler E-Tip", "Hornady FTX" and all other non-toxic bullets have an 1800 fps impact velocity floor for expansion; these velocities are impossible to reach in a muzzleloader without the use of sabots (currently banned in Colorado). The lowered impact velocity also effectively negates the argument that lead particles may be ingested by humans in meat because the low velocity ball/conical projectile will loose only a very small (less than 5%) amount of it's mass during impact.
-Please review peer reviewed journal articles that speak to the continued lead exposure to California Condors even after the lead ban from industrial sources.
I implore you to NOT ban lead bullets for hunting in Colorado.

Very Respectfully,
Jake Leons
Greeley Colorado
Sean, I sent you an email. Perhaps you could post the words of wisdom to send here so we can just copy it and send it. I have not been up on the lead stats..

Very well written and concise!
I need to get busy and send in my non-resident plea for them not to consider the ban on lead.
58 caliber said:
Sean, I sent you an email. Perhaps you could post the words of wisdom to send here so we can just copy it and send it. I have not been up on the lead stats..


Sorry Dave I sent out a " did you know this was happening" E-mail to everyone I could think of & have gotten a small flood back. :shocked2:


"Thank you for contacting us.

We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. I will forward it along to our researchers and lobbyists, and we’ll look into it.

Best Regards,
Alex H
NRA-ILA Grassroots"

I hate to give to much "help" as the letters all start to look the same :(

That said I think you could pick up Eagle population info from


Also California sold https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=59295&inline=1 Total - Hunting Licenses 383,854 in 1990, https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=59821&inline=1 287,841 in 2013 and only 224,935 as of 11/04/of this year

In my opinion; we have a Bald Eagle population that is steadily growing, a working model of a leadless state (California) it would go against the course of reason to change the law in Colorado without first studying the actual outcome in California.

Do lead levels drop in eagles?

by how much?

Dose the change improve bald eagle populations?

by how much?

Is the change NEEDED to maintain a stable eagle population?
Just in from the NRA/ILA Newsletter
*Colorado: Lead Ammunition Ban Defeated*

Today, during thescheduled
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission meeting, the Commission members voted against a proposal that would have banned the use of lead ammunition
for your sporting purposes. This misguided proposal was offered due to an emotional reaction, not one based on sound science and biological