I don't own a high performance vehicle, unless one considers my turbo charged 2003 Ford F250 Crew Cab with the 7.3L International mfg diesel engine, the same engine that powers track hoes and other heavy construction equipment. I got great mileage until they came out with the "Low Sulphur" diesel fuel. My mileage dropped from 21 mpg to 17 mpg cargo empty and no load. Also, when I first bought it, diesel was .10 to .15 cheaper than gasoline, but when they implemented the Low Sulphur fuel, diesel is now $1.00 to $1.50 more than a gallon of gasoline. Also, the fuel change screws up the injectors and filters causing more shop maintenance. I've had to have the truck shop drop and clean out the fuel tank twice, at $1200 per service, just so they could clean out all the sludge and bacteria that the low sulphur allows to grow. For the best engine performance and lower emissions, you now have to buy a Sulphur diesel additive to replace that which has been removed in order to provide lubrication and limit wear and tear on the engine.
I imagine if you could have your way, you would have vehicle manufacturers install a speed limiter on all street legal vehicles which restricts speed to 70 mph. But realistically, it will never happen, since it's all about the money. The States and municipalities would lose too much speeding ticket revenue, I would say at least a 75% decrease in revenue. The governor here just recently signed in constitutional carry, and all of the county sheriffs are up in arms, not because it protects constitutional rights or that they can't arrest for carrying without a permit, no, they are up in arms because of lost revenue to the departments due to the lack of permit sales. It's all about the money.