When you countersink the hole, leave it a shade small. Run in your screw until tight. Don't overtighten. See where then slot is. If it's not lined up with the lines of the rifle, remove the screw, countersink a shade more and try again. try to get it a few degrees short of perfect. If you are useing flat head screws, file them off flush with the work preferably the last time you put them in. Be sure that you are not going to file the slot off. If done right, you should only have a very small amount of screw to file down. if you are useing domed head screws, chuck it in a drill press, and file the top down rolling the file over the head to maintain the dome. CHECK OFTEN. If you make the head too small for your countersink you will have to start with a new screw. The reason for stopping just short of perfect is if this is your goal and you overdo it a little, you will be right on. If you stop just short, after putting the screw in and out it will advance to the right position.