Back to the talk of pins, Ace Hardware sells music wire in many different diameters. It comes in 3 foot lengths. It's pretty hard and you won't cut it with the average dikes but it makes great pins.
what caliber and length of barrel? Looks greatThis is a .50 flintlock that I started about 3 months ago and finished 3 weeks ago. Bought the kit from and I watched the "I love muzzleloading" YouTube series on his build before and during mine. I replaced the Investarms lock with a L&R RPL lock. I used Laurel Mountain Forge browning for the barrel and hardware and DGW antique stain for the wood. This was my 2nd kit build so I'm still very much a novice. And not sure how the photos will present since this is my first attempt. I plan on trying her out this weekend, weather permitting.
Looks very good to meI'm pleased with how it turned out overall. But the truth will be in how it shoots. I did a lot of tuning on the lock and trigger assembly which was a great learning experience. Wish I had better photos, but didn't think I'd be showing them to anyone at the time. It fits me well and feels solid. And again, it looks worn, kinda like me.
Its a .50 cal, 32" barrel, with a 1:60 twist. Thanks.what caliber and length of barrel? Looks great
Snake, I played around with the original lock installed. It worked fine and threw good sparks. It was probably smoother out if the box than the L&R before I went to work on it. So it should work fine for you with a little cleanupDoes anyone have experience using the original GPR lock they could share? Must be someone who has one that works?
Thanks, good to know!!Snake, I played around with the original lock installed. It worked fine and threw good sparks. It was probably smoother out if the box than the L&R before I went to work on it. So i