Canning jars are great. Water and air tight.
Jiminy Christmas....
attic gets hot. crawl space is exposed to outside air, the crawlspace will have no spark source, garage has sparks
I thought you do not want to store in air tight containers
Black powder storage just needs dry. Attics will work Dry is the needed part. It will not break down from heat or cold.
Smokeless needs cool and stable temps. Don't get confused by the smokeless guys ideas.
That's only true for the licensed dealers who sell black powder. The Fed's don't have any control over what private individuals can do to store black powder except for 18 U.S. Code §922(g)(5) which controls (among other things) interstate shipment of explosives..I think homeowners insurance...
The Feds require a quantity over 5# to be stored in an approved metal box, non-sparking material lined and 2 locks in an outside building away from a dwelling. Seems like the distance is defined.
From GOEX;
"STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Always store in a cool, dry place. Obey all laws and regulations regarding quantities of explosive material and methods of storage."
Yep; that Nicolas Cage is a good actor...Wrong perception?
Do you have to paint day-goo "H E" in foot high letters on all exterior walls?Check local laws. As an example, NY requires it in a wood box, half inch thick walls, painted red, with white or yellow letters at least 6" high saying Low Ex. Said box can only be stored in a basement or on the ground floor, within 10 feet of an exterior door.
Do you have to paint day-goo "H E" in foot high letters on all exterior walls?