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Is it uncool to use Pyrodex?

Muzzleloading Forum

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I suppose it all comes down to why you shoot muzzleloaders to begin with.

If you want to kill a deer or whatever and you don't care about HC/PC, in fact you want nothing to do with the reenactor types etc. Then as modern as you can get your gun without going to an inline and substitutes are your friend.

If your HC/PC and want everything on your person to be as close as possible to what your ancestors had so you can try to get a sense of what they dealt with then a horn with BP in it would be most appropriate.

And then there is everything in between, it's all good, just different strokes for different folks.
If it wasn’t for the invention of Pyrodex, T7, Shooters World BP sub, etc. most people would not be able to shoot their muzzleloaders. With the hazmat fees BP is beginning to cost more than gold. If you can even find some to buy. They aren’t kidding when they want to charge you $55 hazmat on top of a $30 S&H charge too just for one or two pounds of BP. The different states have different laws about how much BP you can have at home as well. Plus the Feds laws also. Five pounds might be Ok in one state but illegal in another state.
If it wasn’t for the invention of Pyrodex, T7, Shooters World BP sub, etc. most people would not be able to shoot their muzzleloaders. With the hazmat fees BP is beginning to cost more than gold. If you can even find some to buy. They aren’t kidding when they want to charge you $55 hazmat on top of a $30 S&H charge too just for one or two pounds of BP. The different states have different laws about how much BP you can have at home as well. Plus the Feds laws also. Five pounds might be Ok in one state but illegal in another state.
I won't buy from vendors who take advantage of customers. Check Graf's, $12.95 shipping and $23.95 hasmat.
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Some people look at obstacles and some people look at solutions.

I have never fired a charge of any of the substitutes, not one, not ever.

I have fired thousands of rounds per year of BP when I was competing heavily and have never had a problem getting it, If I was going close to a source I would sometimes buy a quantity to avoid hazmat but if not I would pay the hazmat and shipping and not worry about it, the pursuit of my goals was the primary objective. And I would always buy Swiss, more expensive but my scores were more important to me than the money.

If you want to play the game you have to pay the price of admission.
😳that’s a mite elitist
Linen canvas tent only, or you can’t play
Good luck on finding wool, since none of those sheep are around any more.
Is your leather all bark,brain or alum tanned? No
Well you need go some place else, we don’t want you here
Corn cakes and salt pork for dinner, all heirloom corn? Those old pig breeds went the way of the dodo
Did you eat off of lead based pewter?
Sperm oil, bear oil?
3in1 on your lock,tch tch,tch…… that’s the price of admission
Listening to a podcast yesterday an apparently famous competition shooter in the East somewhere was being interviewed, and at the mention of Pyrodex he and the interviewer both snorted as if using Pyrodex is akin to wearing white after Labor Day. I'm not a Pyrodex enthusiast, but when I got back into muzzleloading it's all I could find locally. I prefer Swiss, and eventually found some.
What propellent do the Kardashians use?
How’s this for uncool - you can’t get black so you put your iron away for the fall and use a totally modern arm - say a .401 Win self loading? Be thankful you can get Pyrodex…..
😳that’s a mite elitist
Linen canvas tent only, or you can’t play
Good luck on finding wool, since none of those sheep are around any more.
Is your leather all bark,brain or alum tanned? No
Well you need go some place else, we don’t want you here
Corn cakes and salt pork for dinner, all heirloom corn? Those old pig breeds went the way of the dodo
Did you eat off of lead based pewter?
Sperm oil, bear oil?
3in1 on your lock,tch tch,tch…… that’s the price of admission
I have no idea what sent you down that rabbit hole, I think your playing a different game.

No where were tents, wool, leather corn cakes or anything mentioned.
if I was just getting into ML and looked for advice reading this I would think you can shoot BP all day gun will look brand new and if you are in the mood you can clean it. on the other hand (there were 5 fingers) if I were to use Pyro my gun would rot after 10 shots and also my garage where it is stored would also rot away
How’s this for uncool - you can’t get black so you put your iron away for the fall and use a totally modern arm - say a .401 Win self loading? Be thankful you can get Pyrodex…..
Oh man Billy, those and the 1907's in .351 are more fun than is legal. my face gets tired from grinning when i stray into the evil clutches of those bad boys!
oops! guess i just showed the whole world i'm un cool.
Some people look at obstacles and some people look at solutions.

I have never fired a charge of any of the substitutes, not one, not ever.

I have fired thousands of rounds per year of BP when I was competing heavily and have never had a problem getting it, If I was going close to a source I would sometimes buy a quantity to avoid hazmat but if not I would pay the hazmat and shipping and not worry about it, the pursuit of my goals was the primary objective. And I would always buy Swiss, more expensive but my scores were more important to me than the money.

If you want to play the game you have to pay the price of admission.

Pyrodex is fine folks, Tripple 7 is a good working accelerant too for capaloks, just remember to clean your guns religious. Its even a good practice to clean your guns when you’re not shooting them for long periods of time.
I've lost track...has the OP been back for further comment or did he light the fuse and run??? 🤣 Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
I'm still here. It was an honest question. I learned in 6th grade that I am preternaturally uncool. That was about the time my dad gave me a BP rifle, an uncool break open H&R. I vaguely remember when I learned about Pyrodex and the few people I knew with fancy muzzleloaders thought it was a technological break threw. But that was back when a phone number had four digits and a rotary phone was high tech.
I'm still here. It was an honest question. I learned in 6th grade that I am preternaturally uncool. That was about the time my dad gave me a BP rifle, an uncool break open H&R. I vaguely remember when I learned about Pyrodex and the few people I knew with fancy muzzleloaders thought it was a technological break threw. But that was back when a phone number had four digits and a rotary phone was high tech.
No worries neighbor. I was just making a wisecrack. Sorry if it came across the wrong way 🍻
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