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73 yrs old and thought i was in great shape,haven't smoked in 28 yrs,not a drinker.Kept up with the younger guy's pretty good.2 months ago triple bi pass with a pace maker,ya never know when it's goona sneak up and bite ya in the butt.Live every day like it's your last.I'll still be out there,maybe a little slower but i'll give er hell.Thanks Mike and good luck to ya. :idunno: Griz
Good for you!!
I tried never to limit myself, and glad I did it that way.
Keep on keepin' on!!
Mike I can understand where you are coming from. My hearing is getting worse and this spring was my last time gobbler hunting. I dearly loved it and took several but I just can't hear them like I used to. So like you I have faced the fact it is time to give it up. I still enjoy going looking for deer and squirrels and time at the range means alot. You will be able to shoot those guns you build and have fun. One does not have to hunt in order to still shoot. Thanks for sharing with us and keep posting! Dan.
Mike, look east :grin: there's rabbits in them there gently rolling hills. I even here tell of a deer called a "white tail" right out on the flat land they say :idunno: As a mule deer hunter I can't imagine it my self but I hear tell there fun to hunt..right there on the flat farm land. Might just take a peek at that page to the east of you.

I myself HATE change I put it off as long as I can, but new game, new skills (calling, rattling) cozy blind out of the wind on a flat farm. . . Heck I might go with ya. I got two boys in there 20s, i might could even bring a camp mule :grin:
These thoughts have been going thru my mind as I grow older. I'll be 50 next month but with a 7 year old son (my wife and I got a late start) who is a Cub Scout I really have no choice but to keep pushing. I'm back in the gym and taking weekend hikes with my son and trying to ignore the pain in my feet and knees. Many times when I'd rather be sitting around a fire swapping stories with friends who have grandkids my son's age I find myself out on the trail. It's really tough sometimes but I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything. In many ways being an older father is a blessing. I have much more patience now than I did when I was younger and I love and cherish every moment spent with my little man who is growing up much too fast. Your experiences are ones we will all one day face. I hope I have the ability to face them with dignity and grace.

Ross :hatsoff:
To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:

I know that nothing is better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor””it is the gift of God.
I'm in the area too, and i may not be fast, but I can lift heavy things.
About 25 years ago, I started taking a long weekend and going to our farms in eastern NC and hunting with a buddy...

About 15 years ago, we extended it to a week...

Two years ago, we added another week during turkey season....

This is why...I turned 58 yesterday I have been telling my buddy that we are both in good health and need to enjoy it as long as we can..

We have!!! :thumbsup:
Thanks. I appreciate all the supportive comments. I may go up for a couple of days, I have a cow elk and a buck deer license.
Quoting my dad: "If you can't shoot one close to the car, just make sure it's a down-hill drag."
Sounds like a great plan.

Dunno if it would work for you, but we've worked out a nice system worked with one of my buds. His back sezz nodamnway when it comes to packing or dragging, but he prefers to hunt alone or not at all. So he picks his hunting grounds based on good cell phone coverage. When he drops an animal he calls me or one of his sons, and we're proud to come help. As one of his packers I have to tell you what a pleasure it is to join him in the woods and celebrate his kill. He's a good guy and a pleasure to be around, so it's never an inconvenience to us.
It does get harder to make the first step or two every morning. I have to get up at least an hr earlier just to get the old body and mind in the mood.

Usually a hot shower and two cups of coffee get me out the door. I just turned 66 this month and added stent number 7 to my heart along with two open heart surgery, 4 angio plasties major back surgery, knee surgery and a few more minor ones..almost forgot had appendix removed a few wks ago.

But..I can honestly say I still hunt the same as I always have..alone and a long ways from a road, up a tree and pack my game out.

I just can't make the walk in and out as quick or on as many consecutive days and very rarely twice in one day.
Such a hard decision to make! Personally, I hope you fail to stick to it! There are ways to deal with these problems and I'm hoping you are out there in some capacity.

Heck, if you want to join any of our camps you are welcome. Hunt, keep camp, fish, whatever you like. Sometimes our camps seem to be about everything but hunting! :haha: We will get your meat out!
I turned 70 and had a tough go of it the last 4 months. Eyes, shoulders, hip & back but after surgeries and physical therapy and shots, I'm getting back into it. I can't keep my energy level up like before but can make it out every other day.

Slow down, enjoy the surroundings a little more, and maybe only get one deer this year .. but for God's sake, don't quit completely.
Front porch rocking isn't much stimulation.
Thanks, I probably won't sick to it. My wife and I put the camper up for sale, had a looker, but as were cleaning it up, I wondered. I went on my walk this a.m., and thought more about it. I know some places to sit and cow call, some very good places, so I think I'll give it a whirl. I can park on a road and walk in about 100 yards or so, and sit-I'm getting pretty good at it.
My wife offered to help me pack out, and thanks, Mike, I just may take you up on it. But I won't interfere with anyone's hunt. I'm getting my rifle and possibles ready, I'll be out of town next week and back on the 16th. I never hunt opening weekend, anyway.
Thank you guys for all the positive remarks and well-wishes, you have made me realize that life just slows down, not ends.(Hunting, either.)It could always be worse.
Keep fighting................a woman who you have a couple of years on, just swam 110 miles.
I am 65, done a lot of stupid things in my life that I am paying for now.

I don't feel like I am a bad off as some that have posted here but I have issues. Athletic injuries, work injuries and bad tree stand fall that really busted me up.

When walking to the mailbox on one of my bad days became a chore( I had a few good days as well) I decided it was time for a change.

I looked up L5-S1 rehabilitation exercises and got busy. For the first few months I could barely get off the floor after an exercise session but I stuck with it, then things slowly got better. Light weight lifting, lots of walking, fast walking in the hills over a couple years turned things around for me. I can out work people half my age now.

All I am saying is don't give up on yourself. There are things you can to to make things better, at least marginally but it takes the right kind of mindset and commitment.

Unfortunately few people will take this bull by the horns. I see these people all the time at the gym, they come in all fired up about loosing weight and getting in shape, they rarely last two weeks. Their head is not in the right place and never will be.

I just started my 21st year of three days a week at the gym, probably 10 years of 3 days a week of back exercises at home on my off days from the gym. I don't do any of the above because I like it, I do it all because I have to. I have seen the alternative first hand, didn't care for it at all.

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