Roundball 54, I love your scientific approach to accuracy! Sometimes is hard to get straight answers on questions like yours since shooting is more a fun thing for most than true scientific experimentation. That’s why you hear a lot, terms like”minute of deer” instead of MOA, etc. True experimentation is hard to achieve as it takes lot of effort, time, meticulously not taking, weather conditions to minimize variables, etc. I have always tried to be a scientific as possible when I change components like caps, powder or lubes. I did acquired a case of JBP from the the judge himself back in 2008. It was $11 a pound delivered. Perfect for my meager salary at the time. The standard was: Hart BenchRest, Protektor Bunny Rear bag, cement bench, shooting 70 grains weighed charges of FFFg Shuetzen exclusively at the time on a TC Hawken with a 1:48 barrel with a .495 RCBS home cast PRB, .018 blue striped pillow ticking and water lubed (a pain in the rear to load). The gun has a Lyman 17A front and 66ML rear sight and the target was an NRA B-6 at 50 meters (53yds). Ten shoots swabbing between shots with water. Accuracy was on ragged hole that made the X disappear., good day a .90 inch group, bad day 1.25 inch. Velocity was a consisted 1670 FPS with a SD of 4 IIRC. BTW, TC barrels ARE of execellent quality and DO shoot PRBs! Anyhoo, at $11 per pound delivered I could pass. I tried to replicate the accuracy with JBP and could not. I tried adjusting the powder charges up an down with little success. The powder shot accurately enough for range work but I would get the occasional “cuasi-hang fire” that really threw on a ball 2” off and there it went the group to hell in a hand basket. I believe I tried to the usual to me 10-10 shot groups but gave up on number 7. By then it was getting to cold to be fair to the powder but I had not achieved the results anyhow so I gave up on it, BTW, velocity was lower as well, around 1530, IIRC and the SD was 21. Led me to believe that the powder was of less quality, inferior raw materials, a mix of FFg and FFFg or a combination of the above. I ended up burning it in CB revolvers where never really had serious issues when used with RWS 1075s. My Walkers really like that powder with an “undersize” .451 RB shooting ragged holes from the bench at 25 meters. I still have some cans left, I think they had a black and white label with an American eagles and flag on it, and it said Reenactor” on them, I have not bought more since and will not if I can help it. Remember, this lot is from 2008 and things may have changed, I know it was made for Jacks Powder Keg by GOEX for sure tho, both are in Louisiana! Sorry for the lengthy post but I hope it helps, I been in the place that $500 is a LOT of money as well and understand, on the other hand is not getting cheaper, and if you have a safe place to store it,..... hmmmm!!!!