Fairly new here but have been researching and reading the various threads on building. A constant throughout is the recommendation to go with Kibler as first attempt. Although I've never built a ML, I do have some experience building a certain semi-unmentionable (it does shoot BP!)

So far I have two ML rifles, both percussion - a T/C Hawken and a fine Lyman GPR that I got from
@frankie from the forum here (thanks
@frankie !! great rifle and spare barrel). But being the tinkerer/do things with hands kind of person, I can see why everyone (well, most everyone) sooner or later wants to dive in and make one on their own.
I may be somewhat a heretic for not being overly fond of the long rifles, hence my attraction to the Jaeger style guns. And, I haven't totally decided to go with the flintlock ignition as yet.
So, I hope this isn't the typical "first build" post since I'm really kinda' narrow-focused.
I've basically found 3 "kit" sources for a Jaeger - TOW has a kit, as does R. E. Davis Co and Pecatonica (Jaeger and Transitional Kentucky), all with various options for caliber and barrel shapes and lengths <40 inches. Also, Jim Chambers has the Edward Martin that could be a player. Since Mr. Kibler doesn't offer a Jaeger, I won't be able to take advantage of the refinements in parts and simplification of the assembly process afforded by his reputable kits.
Now the questions/comments (I'll be calling all these vendors myself, but I always look to others who have first hand experience):
- Anyone know where TOW gets the Jaeger stocks? They list Rice and Colerain barrels as options and the Rice website shows a 31" Jaeger (TOW) and 32" (Chambers, although I don't see a Jaeger on Chambers page. Maybe they offered one in the past.)
- The Pecatonica website shows shortest Green Mountain swamped oct at 38" but also lists Colerain swamped Jaeger at 31". I saw where Mr. Chambers has also brought up Buckeye Barrels LLC to source that part of the kit from the major barrel makers separately.
- I have emailed (at least a week ago) some of these question to a couple of the vendors mentioned, but they haven't responded.
- Comments on level of difficulty between the vendors mentioned?
I've looked at all the specifications and measurements on the respective websites and gathered the info, but beyond that it's just a bunch of numbers. So, if anyone would care to offer your experience with any of these vendors or comment on the rifles you've built using their kits I'd like to hear what you have to say. I've watched Jim K's videos and it sure would be nice to start that way, but... I do have some good chisels and basic tools and materials, but I'm sure there are some jigs and tricks that would be nice to pick up. I've probably left something out, but thanks in advance.
v/r, Joe B