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Jaxblack on barrel

Muzzleloading Forum

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2 yrs ago I finished my barrel with Jax black for brass & copper solution and it still holding up. I have some metal engraving on it and no rust problems yet. I wanted the engraving to show up so I only applied a few light coasts until I achieved a light French blue affect. Works for me here in Calif. weather. Not really sure how it would hold up in real working conditions as I am a range shooter only........John
Yes, Jax Black can (and maybe should) be refreshed periodically in those spots where it wears, but it's no big deal, and is most easily done to spot touch up those spots, as I did recently when I noticed a scratch on my Kibler SMR barrel. A little sanding to counter the scratch and then a little Jax Black (two applications) with steel wool to blend in and the scratch had disappeared.