What do the manufactures of Traditions or Pedersoli say about any of this? I have some locks that are not Chambers, but all my locks( I don't have any military guns) including my Chambers (my favorite) will use leather to hold the flint. My Pedersoli, came with a lead flint holder, but it could never hold the flint tight and needed to be snugged after several shots. Of course it never threw the consistent sparks into the pan either, as my favorite locks do. To me, it is not the amount of sparks, but that any spark created, goes where it is needed. I have one lock that doesn't throw allot of sparks, but every spark goes to the pan and lights her off. This lock has hit over 300+ shots on one flint, which is 10X greater than mine non-favorite locks.
If you are getting more sparks from a lead wrapped flint, is it because of the weight of the cock or the tightness of the flint? Probably the weight.
Cooner.....IMHO I agree 100% about the Chambers lock quality. I only have other brands in some guns, because he doesn't make the style needed for a SxS shotgun.