Just a reminder about using BP only in a BP gun...

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Is that the one on display at Fenland Rural?

Yessir. It surely is.

Please note that Mknight and I both live in the same county, although on different sides, and living here in UK means that we are familiar with the UK handguns of the cap-and-ball configuration that shoot nitro from what was PREVIOUSLY either a BP handgun, or a modern cartridge-firing handgun. The first remains a muzzleloader, the second BECOMES a muzzleloader.

HOWEVER, please note that this system uses and ENTIRELY NEW CYLINDER, especially designed with a small powder chamber that cannot be overloaded, and proofed for the extremely low loads of nitro propellant, typically around 4gr of whatever, which is enough for the .38 or 44.45 calibre wadcutter to do its thing.

It also costs a small fortune to obtain such a gun, typically around the $1000 mark. All of these handguns are STILL muzzleloaders, just like any cap-and-ball handgun is.
well now we don't even have a 5 SHOOTER! it got proof tested on the first one, and looks like it FAILED??
All of these C&B revolvers have been converted to shoot n*t*o propellant - even the SAA at the bottom


Image from Anvil Conversions Ltd.
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All my BP guns state Black Powder only, and that is all that I use in them. Also I learn from the examples that others offer when they deviate from this wisdom.
99 out of 100 people will say "Never load smokeless powder into a black powder firearm." then the 100th person will say "Oh I've done it many times with no problems." GEE, I'M GONNA TAKE MY GUN OUT TONIGHT AND TRY SOME!
I've also seen what happens when smokeless powder is used in a black powder gun.
The barrel was split from just ahead of the breech plug, to about 12 to 14 inches down the barrel towards the muzzle.
I wasn't there when this happened but the shooter must have received some real damage. The stock wood was totally blown away in the area of the barrel burst.

Just because a member has been very lucky in the past is no reason to assume you will be lucky too. Now, everyone, read my lips:

there are a lot of new shooters that look here for information.
What PB Arm posted is really DANGEROUS INFORMATION there is NO safe amount of nitro powders (AKA Smokeless) that can be used in a percussion firearm.
This post is an example of what NOT to do.
OK AP, you may get away with doing that so far but sooner or later you will get a hand grenade at arms length.
Load Black Gunpowder only or one of the substitutes using the same volume as real honest to God BLACK POWDER.