Kansas Buggy Rifle

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36 Cal.
Apr 27, 2005
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http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/52MRW/buggy rifle/MVC-094S.jpg
[url] http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/52MRW/buggy rifle/MVC-093S.jpg[/url]
[url] http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/52MRW/buggy rifle/MVC-092S.jpg[/url]

Here is a update on the progress on the Buggy rifle, I finally found an affordable old Mossberg 4X scope on Ebay to mount on the barrel. since the old Mossbergs are around 15 inches long i figured the long tube would would look more like the long tubes the old timers acually used. The mounting rail is nothing more than two slots cut into the side of the barrel with a 60 degree dovetail mill, that worked like a dream , makes mounting a scope on it as easy as clamping a scope on a grooved .22 receiver. Next step is get those .429 balls ordered from Track of the Wolf and see how it shoots. I still have a bit of touch up work to do as far as cleaning up screw holes and putting a flash cup on it but we are getting closer to being done. I plan on taking it to a doings in Iowa in about 3 weeks and I'll shoot it off a bench and see how it does more updates wil follow!!!
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Darn it used the wrong address to get the pics to show up try this post!



What a fascinating project! Thanks for the pictures. I hope it shoots as well as it looks. I especially like your choice of scopes. It does seem more "period".
MRW, great stuff. I looked back in the old posts to find your original posting under "Scratch Built Buggy Rifle". Got a question (couple actually), does the action have a half cock or just a full cock? Do you have a pic of the action works? (which action did you copy out of Logan's book?) - I'd love to copy that buggy gun! That old scope looks great on it. Mike
Mike- I followed the Hilliard action "fairly close" only thing i didn't do was have that little pusher link between the hammer and spring, my spring just has a little curl on the front and lays on the rear of the hammer, oh ,no 1/2 cock Hilliard styles do not lend themselves well to 1/2 cocks it is better to use a rocking sear if you want 1/2 cocks, the barrel is about 1 3/16 in diameter, and the brass frame is machined out of a piece of brass barstock. Hope this helps