Kibler .40 SMR order

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Oh now ya did it lol!
I sure love mine in .45. I hear a .40 shoots nice and flat.
Dinna own one myself, but the general consensus is that Jim Kibler makes a straight shooting barrel. As of last year each groove was cut by a single cutting jig, one at a time, but he was talking about finding a way to make it faster and better. The rifling is about the only thing that Kibler does't do on a CNC machine. But I might find a way one of these days.
what kinda groups ya getting Hatchet?
Well my eyes aren't what they used to be but on a good day I can shoot 2" groups offhand at 25 yards maybe 3" at 50 which is not all that good for a Kibler gun. You should be able to shoot clovers with these guns if you do your part.
Been shooting my Kibler .40 since spring of 2021. Sighted dead nuts on at 50 yds. 40gr FFFg Goex, drill patch, spit lube and a .395 home cast ball. From the bench on a calm day, it groups under 2 3/4" at 100 yds. 50 yds is sub 1" groups. Did my cold clean barrel POI test at 50 yds (first shot of the day on a completely calm day from the bench, repeated over the course of several weeks as wind conditions allowed) and it printed dead nuts on from a clean barrel each time. At our fall club shoot, the bench rest competition was shot at 50 yds and I won that competing against bench guns. Also won the flintlock offhand shoot with it. So yeah, it shoots.


And the lock is fast.

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Dinna own one myself, but the general consensus is that Jim Kibler makes a straight shooting barrel. As of last year each groove was cut by a single cutting jig, one at a time, but he was talking about finding a way to make it faster and better. The rifling is about the only thing that Kibler does't do on a CNC machine. But I might find a way one of these days.

I thought he was using Green Mountain barrels?
Is 50 yards a typical distance for a flintlock? It seems that most you tube videos are 50 yards as well. It there a loss in accuracy on longer shots, like 100?
You’re shooting open sights. Easier to focus on a bullseye at 50 than it is at 100. I’m 30, and I’m not sure I could get you really good groups at 100 (even though I have no issue shooting a deer at that distance)
The wind works on my .40 a bit , at 75 to 100 yds.. . I am in love w/ the .40 for most other work. It digests almost anything shoved in it's muzzle , and for an old guy , that's important. I hunt small game in the Pa. big woods , and like the .40 better than the other smaller calibers. Gives me a feeling I have a chance against the 700 + lb black bears in case one gets frisky , and wants my candy bar. A 95 gr. r/b in the face just might change it's mind long enough for me to get more firepower in my hand. Here , bears are a PITazz. Folks living here shoot them if they get too close to the kids. Thanks to govt. regs. , we have too many bears. Again , my .40 gives me peace , that I could fend one off until other measures can be mustered.............oldwood
Is 50 yards a typical distance for a flintlock? It seems that most you tube videos are 50 yards as well. It there a loss in accuracy on longer shots, like 100?

Sighting in distance is more a function of intended purpose than anything else. No sense sighting in at 100 yds if all you intend to do is shoot squirrels at 25.

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