Kibler Hawken update,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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We know that John Gemmer, who had the rights to the S Hawken stamps after he bought the Hawken Rifle Shop, would stamp some of the rifles he built with the S Hawken St. Louis stamps. Now Art Ressel bought the Hawken shop name and the stamps from the Gemmer Family and that went west when Art sold the Hawken shop. The Hawken Shop can stamp their rifle with the S Hawken stamp much as John Gemmer did. I don't know if Jim Kibler will apply a Hawken stamp. He'll have to sort out the stamping rights.

It seems that Jim is planning to build a Sam Hawken rifle based on the 1850 date. After 1850, there would not be any Hawkens built with a flint lock.
Like I said, this is the first percussion Kibler has made. Maybe not on this forum, but on other forums people have been asking for a percussion lock by him, because his flintlocks are known for quality. Now they have one. It can get wrapped around a Hawken rifle, or bought separately. The days you could buy a Roller or Robbins percussion lock are long gone. Most of the muzzle loaders today are made by the Italians, who never stopped being interested in black powder since the spagetti western days.

Also, Kiblers main focus to me is making very easy to complete kits for people that want to mostly FINISH a rifle themselves. I have heard and experienced the hard to assemble Hawken kits. I'd say he'll get most of his customers from people that have also.

Then there are hunters who remember the Hawken cult back in the 70s, but don't want an Italian gun, nor want to have to assemble a difficult kit requiring a lot of inletting clean up and rasping and filing. But they want a reliable caplock. I'm in the catagory I guess. I'm putting in for Elk this year, and decided to do black powder. Right now all I have is Flintlocks, and too small a bore. I'll need "something", and don't want to worry about a flash in the pan.
I recall the 70's Hawken cult, but wasn't into them at the time due to Rev War enacting during the Bi-Cen! Now, I have 3 very authentic Hawken replicas, as well as the "Hawken-ish" GPR by Lyman, which seems to always garner praise from hunters and frequent shooters. Yes, we owe a great debt to the Italians; imagine if there were no Pedersoli, Pietta, Zoli, etc., and our importers like Navy Arms, (thanks, Val!) and others. Good luck with your elk!
I have it from a very reliable source, the kibbles will be out in around 6-8 months, they will be half stock percussion, they will be in 50, 54, and 58 calibers. and a video will be out in a few days,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Awesome! Looking forward to seeing the offer. Do you know if the 54 shoots a .520 round ball or is it the .530?. Maybe we can convince them to offer it in flintlock!😉
" throw a small table scrap to traditionalists, known as kool-aid drinkers to Jim."

Interesting that you "pseudo" quoted him, can you verify that Jim Kibler actually said that ?
If you look closely, you'll see that you verified it in your own post 🤣 . I'm ok with Jim calling traditionalists "Kool-Aid Drinkers". It's kind of a badge of honor. I think it means that he kind of acknowledges us. Maybe?
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Ok I like some others posting here don't have a dog in this nitpicking feud. Jim and I have butted heads on several posts on our forum, but I do give him credit for finding a nitch market that he can fill. It just doesn't appeal to my taste in rifles. all of this controversy is because he has decided to call it a Hawken, maybe he should call it what he mentioned several times in his y-tube video a Sporting rifle and as such that is what I see when I look at his images of it. It also fits better into this category with its lighter weight and smaller calibers. Or else call it a Plains rifle in my opinion

By the way good luck Jim and best success with it
There is the S.Hawken hawken
There is the Gemmer Hawken
Then there is the Kibler Hawken
I have enjoyed muzzle loading since 1971. I like shooting, building, reading, hunting and talking
about them. I have been a hawkin fan from the start. I think Jim Kibler is the answer to a hawken
rifle that is affordable and correct and made from quality materials. Custom guns were always
out of my price range and now i can get his kit and turn it into the best rifle i have.
Ive got the books' Hawken Rifle' and' 15 years in the Hawken lode ' by J D Biard all parceled ready to post to the US any takers ? not myself being a Hawken fan I had them sorted for Ettery but he came by these books by an old friends' gift . PM me if interested ,
PM sent

I just happened into a Kibler “live broadcaste” yesterday. They answered questions about the Hawken…and several other projects. Broke my heart, but the Hawken will only be in percussion.

On the bright side, and totally exciting for me, Kibler is considering building a Brown Bess Kit….OMG.

Watch the video…great up to date information.

I’m still waiting on my English Fowler Kit, once it’s in I’ll turn right around and order the Woods Runner.
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