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KY Pistol Ramrod Question

Muzzleloading Forum

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Oct 25, 2020
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Pulaski, Tn.
I bought this little Jukar pistol off GB back in 2017. It's in good shape, very accurate, and reliable. Fired it many times with nary a misfire. There are two small holes drilled into the ramrod. It has baffled me the whole time wondering why. Anybody got an idea of the purpose of these two holes?


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I don't see any reason for them to be there, but if they don't impede function, I wouldn't advise doing anything about it. You can always make a new ramrod if they bug you too much.
The ramrod is perfectly functional and the holes don't seem to weaken it any. Odd things sometimes get in my head so I've just wondered if there could have been some odd purpose and what motivated the other guy to drill them. Had it out today thinking about firing off a few rounds and found myself staring at those holes. I keep it rotated in the channel were they aren't visible but, everytime I pull it out, I'm fascinated with those holes. Crazy I guess...
The previous owner put them there hoping that in 30 years someone would ask “what the #%^* are these holes for?
Well, it worked. Big problems? No big deal. Breeze right through them. Little insignificant stuff like this will have me howling at the moon. Until I just can't stand it anymore and make a new rod. Somewhere a forum member that sold this gun on GB 7 years ago is reading this and laughing hysterically.
I was thinking maybe to string something through to wipe the bore til you said they don't go all the way through. I agree with an earlier reply--it looks like it could possibly weaken the rod and lead to a breakage. As to why, maybe it's just something someone did to personalize it like some builders stamp little dots or designs around the muzzles of rifles.

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