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Late score: Critters A&M-14; Uncle Wiggley State-0!

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Jul 24, 2004
Reaction score
Folks, I've been stalking the woods for 50+ plus years but this has been a season for the ages! It's been one long ride in a clown car and getting sillier!!

This morning at dawn it was cool, overcast, misty, drizzly and all the other "ies" there are, but it's the challenge of it all. Hide in a tree with a flintlock in wet, misty weather and see just how good you are. Enough years in the game to figure out how to keep a flinter going...but it's the imponderables that keep me humble.

Gets light enough to see and it's deadly quiet. Figure Yodels, the demented squirrel, is hiding in his nest so at least it's quiet for a change without that daft varmint chattering his little squirrely head off. Wait for a couple hours, huddled over the cow's knee and periodically checking the pan to wipe dry and change out the roll of trade wool I keep in the pan...CLACK! I'm rolling my eyes around to keep from turning my head but nothing. Wind picks up a little...CLICK! What the....

The rain starts picking up and figure this is going nowhere, and in a hurry...CLUNK! An acorn bounces off the trade gun's barrel a couple inches ahead of the cow's knee! Tree debris, great! For some reason I look up and guess what? You may already have figured this one out...it's Yodels the Daft squirrel, and the little beggar is holding an acorn! I know it's him, he's got a partially bent left ear(genetics or squirrel wrestling, I don't know!) "You better not!"...zeee! "CLUNK!" ,right next to me!! I'm sorry gang, but I totally lost it. I'm sitting there bent forward, gun butt on the board between my feet, holding the barrel hard against my upper forehead and howling with laughter...you can't make this stuff up! I absolutely don't know what to do or say at this point. This the absolute goofiest thing I've ever heard of. Needless to say, came home...with a stop at Wild Bubba's for a yak "Zombie" burger. Get my elk, antelope and venison there if I have to...think God wants me to take up knitting! :doh:
Funny story...but I think its high time your pet Ninja squirrel was dealt with, LOL
Reminds me of an old Doe several years ago, and I scratched out this little ditty one day while on a deer stand back during the 2007 rut:

There once was a Doe on “Neighborhood Watch”,
who stomped and blew and snorted a lot;

She watched my stand like it belonged to her,
and delighted in warning when she saw me stir;

She was real, real proud but it went to her head,
stepped out of cover and I shot her dead !
OH, I know only too well. Problem is now, he's getting to be like a pet. He never made a single 'peep' today...not one single sound. Just playing bombadier with acorns! It's totally nuts...pun intended! :haha:
Word on the street is, he got his partially bent left ear from his last human friend. No one has seen his friend since the day he came back with a partially bent left ear.
Thanks, I needed to hear that. As an aside, before we moved out of town here to the lake, we had a house in Smithville that had one of the biggest Live Oaks I've ever seen and I mean alley to street big. It was home to a gang of squirrels and one year a baby was born with no tail. I figured he's really be hampered but nope...not that little guy. He whizzed around the tree with the rest of them. He was particularly ornery though and loved to pick on the small dogs we had. One big limb swept down to within abut 4 feet of the ground and he knew he could sit there and chatter at the dogs and toss down acorns to provoke them. Shiner and Snoopy were both too small to get at him and he knew it! :haha: :thumbsup:
A traditional bowhunting friend of mine had a pine squirrel like that bothering him one year. Pine squirrels are super obnoxious beasts. Well, one day it had the gall to sit about 10 feet away from him on a branch giving him the scolding routine. After about 10 minutes my friend had enough and sent a big Zwickey Delta his way.

The one squirrel became two and was silent evermore. :grin:
This is a southern grey and he's slowly becoming like a family member. He's as funny as anything I've ever seen in the field. After today, I don't know if I could shoot the little fart...several times tonight, I've gotten the snickers just thinking about his antics. I've always found them wary and cautious. This guy isn't afraid of anything...or so it seems! :haha:
Headed out again this morning and oops!...car problem. Should've seen the looks at the GM dealer. They brought me and the artillery home till at least tomorrow so I got to stay home today and do things and play with this...hope the critters enjoyed another day of quite!
Funny! Maybe the nuts were a peace offering or maybe he thought you might be hungry. Next time you go back take him some peanuts”¦.it's good to have a friend in the woods. :wink: