Lead could dissolve a marriage

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I’ve been lucky in that she never said no to my hobbies and when she asked “how much?” about a gun never googled to verify;). But I also planned ahead. Early in our relationship I did the laundry for her: reds and whites on hot then dry on high for 3 hrs. I had to buy a few replacement garments but never did another load. Loaded the dishwasher without rinsing and no soap. No dishes anymore. I think she’s getting suspicious about my selective stupidity but it’s been 28 years of washed clothes and dishes. Now, on the flip side, I have to live with a lot of thrift store “finds” but every relationship is give and take. My only worry is that when I pass, she sells my guns for what I told her I paid for them.
Over 40 years ago I asked Mrs. Whitworth "you wash everything in hot water correct?" Haven't anything to with laundry except help her fold bed sheets since :thumb: I do wash dishes though.
I’m jealous of everyone who still has a wife, for better or worse. Mine died four years ago after nearly 43 years together. Reading y’all’s comments brings a lump to my throat. I’d gladly give up all my muzzleloading stuff and anything else to be able to have her with me again. Be grateful for what you have, brothers (and sisters).
lo these many years ago, I asked my wife if she wanted to go to a rendezvous at Paradise Guest Ranch out of Buffalo in the Big Horns. Her answer? "Is my rifle done?" I responded with "No." I hadn't even started it. The shoot was Friday week. "You have 10 days or you don't go." We went. She won her event.
I wouldn't get upset with a loved one over tossing some lead. Everyone makes mistakes, and lead is cheap.
Perhaps the guy just doesn't love his wife, in which case it's time to be honest with her.
She would have had a hard time giving away my lead. I have enough that I have the whole county tipped a half bubble off level. Were it not for all the old National Geographics stashed on the other side of the county, the county may have tipped all the way over.
I'm reminded of the guy who came home one day, to find his wife had poured all the open cans of powder on the loading bench into one container. No sense having so many cans cluttering things up!
Cats own everything!

No kidding.
(or .. no catting!!)
Not about lead, but when I was a kid with a BB gun, I was always dropping them around my grandmother's house. Somehow she thought that these BBs could explode and carefully picked them up and held them for me. Women?
Wife came home from work last night and said to me Guess what one of the girls at work threw out that belonged to her husband. She had decided to have a clean out of the garage and along with the rubbish out went a full bucket of lead, apparently she could only just move it, it was the only lead he had. My understanding is he wasn`t very happy about it. The words he was Very angry were mentioned. Sent my wife off to work this morning with a 25lb bar of lead and a sympathy card,,,, Have never met the guy but hope it helps.
Your all heart See you at the Honest Lawyer ?.
Regards Rudyard
Saw you there.
That was some meeting I didn't see as many of the NZAAA in the room or barn as ide expected .Nigel had to go to Ch Ch Ide have loved to go for the' Apres Ski ' party but Jason had to get back to Tap I thought the meeting went well & our Nicole a very able speaker I. had joined ACT putting signs up ect previously .Only time I got active Political since the Common market sell out by Ted Bloody Heath. However best stay with a Gun theme .Well it was really all about guns , I thought the 60 years gunsmith made a good point re what magazine the mob who are supposed to tend to registration asked about his double shotgun had . Only time I rang that crew was re your suggested import license she quized me so nosy I expected black helicopters .HOW can any such body be involved with gun matters if they don't know what their talking about???.I visualize the Leftist anti gun bods interviewed prospective staff and ask "Do you know about guns? "then if the say "No I hate them" These they employ , and their antics rather confirm my view ! We might Need more Joe Greens and Ime fine with our local crew . That Commo Gowl's Knee jerk'' got to find a scapegoat ''& didn't heed warnings & give Tarrant a License utterly contrary to there Own rules ,,What it has done is create a situation that has contempt for the govt response ,Nash & that Idiot Police Commissioner who comes on TV as says after the big wasted of money' By Back' He says "We are rather disappointed that the gangs haven't handed in their guns as we had hoped "!!! What planet dose he come from? He s" in the Trade" Youde think he'd 'know about the principals of criminal gangs .In short one big' stacked deck' from the politically motivated Giddy Get go . WW3 on the horizon So you disarm & discourage the Civil Population That doesn't seem a very bright idea.
Regards Rudyard

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