Russ My powder magazine looks like your lead room.
I buy a pound or two of powder (GoexFFF & FF ) a month.
From all the BS the government is comeing out with, :curse: I will make sure I have enough to last me the rest of my life time with out haveing to revert to that pyrodex crap. :thumbsup:
Call me :youcrazy: but I believe if they have their way you won't be able to buy it with in a few years. :cry:
My lead is getting accumlated some but not like your's.
My son-in-law works as a radioligist so I now have a connection. The worn out vests you wear in a x-ray room have lead and they replace them every so often and you guessed it, I am the junk man
It may be unwise to mention the accumulation of much blackpowder. There was a news item a couple weeks back about the feds pickin' a guy up for suspected terrorist activities. The only thing mentioned in the story was that he had more black powder than allowed.