Lee REAL bullet/mould?

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32 Cal.
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
I'm new to muzzleloading and am still searching out my first rifle :hmm: . Since I am now casting for my smokless guns, I'd like to cast for my new BP when it arrives. I noticed some Lee REAL moulds on my dealers shelf - any opinions on these?
Some rifles like 'em, others don't. I'd expect a 48" twist would handle the shorter ones, better'n the longer, which oughta have a faster twist. :winking:
If you have read any info about the REAL you see that it supposedly clears fouling when it is driven down the bore. I've never tryed 'em in my .50 but have a mold coming. keep us posted on how they do with yer smokepole.
I don't have any experience with the real but Lee also makes a "modern target mini" and I have casted some of those and intend to try them in my 50cal renegade with 1-48" twist. They supposedly shoot very well. They have a big, wide hollow rear that expands to fill the bore and engage the rifling. 385 grains.

The only caveat that I've heard is not to push them too hard - keep around 60-70 grains in 50 cal.

Oh, and one more thing - they load real easy as they are undersized - this is on-purpose and part of the design - just need to keep the alloy 1-30 or pure lead - soft soft.
Mr. homefront,
We have used the REALs extensively. If cast to the proper size for your barrel, they really do scrape the fouling down the bore when loading.
One quirk we did find is that they should be cast from pure lead (soft as possible). Not only for ease of starting but so they upset and fill the bore upon firing; within the "normal" powder charge range. Makes a BIG difference in accuracy as well.
Best Wishes
Ive got 5 or 6 from the days I didnt like PRBs (seems like a 100 yrs ago and only been 3)It was a pain to shoot those out of a wheelchair back then now I shoot nothing but PRBs . Anyway I'd use the short ones for 1X60 twist on up and they shot really good out of most rifles and 2 handguns, REMEMBER to keep the mould at right temp while working and all should work well! Fred :hatsoff:
Thanks to all :hatsoff: for the replies. Today I found a T/C Hawken, .54 caliber flint, that with a little polish and sanding could be (will be :winking: ) beautiful. The dealer had a used .54 REAL mould, which I took as well. I'll post the finished products in a new thread over the weekend.
Just some food for thought...a 230grn .530 diameter patched round ball around 2000 fps will put down most of the critters on the NA continent...and with a Flintlock, they'd be the real deal
Would you suggest a commercially made patch, or is there a good home-brewed formula?
i shoot a real in my .54 tryon rifle but find the lee 54 mini quicker no diference in accuracy both good just the real takes alittle longer to load.
bernie :thumbsup:
roundball said:
Just some food for thought...a 230grn .530 diameter patched round ball around 2000 fps will put down most of the critters on the NA continent...and with a Flintlock, they'd be the real deal

Got agree with Roundball on thisone. Unless it bites or claws back I'd say buy a rondball mold and have fun.
I too like the round ball. I have been using a .495 ball for the past several years, and found it did a great job, so my new .54 with the larger ball should do a great job.
I use the 320grain REAL bullet in my .50 cal hawken with 90grains of FF to launch this bullet which is also useful as a doorstop. I have found it to be very accurate and friends that have had a shot of it have have immediately asked to borrow my mould. It's been out on loan for 6 months!! :thumbsup:
I have couple of the Lee REAL molds. A 300 grainer for the 54 TC Hawken. This bullet shoots pretty well, but not as well as the Hornady great plains bullets shoots out of that rifle. I have a scond TC Hawken in 50 cal that should arrive on Saturday. I have a 250 grain bullet for that rifle and am waiting to see how it likes it.