How about instead of getting your floral knickers in a twist you just accept that your reading comprehension is too low to understand the parameters of the original post ? I personally do not give a flying f#%k about politics in general and even less about your American politics. I would have thought the gday at the start of my original post might have given that away but clearly not. Also I don't believe just because someone has done something one way forever does it mean they're an expert ( expert is just a has been drip of water ). Take a look at how many people " know " you can't use 4f or finer in shotguns,then look at Britsmoothy....I'm fine if you want to ignore what someone with experience with barrels tells you. I've only worked with barrels with 1-6.9" through 1-120" twist barrels, so obviously have no clue. I can see you are a staunch democrat, and are always right. My sympathies to you, as I am sure you are still grieving Kamela's loss.