Lies it's all a pack of lies

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Henry Morrison said:
I know I haven't gained any weight
Theres a lot of that going around.
I met an olde friend last fall in Owatonna that was adding a section of leather to his belt.
When I questioned the need, I was astutely told that leather and hides do indeed "shrink" during storage.
My wife and I used to make silver and turquoise jewelery, and take them to craft fairs to sell. After many tries, we got into the Denver Gift and Jewelery Show near Christmas. Because my family has been here for 6 generations, we called our business "Native Son Southwest Art". We did well, but some of the NDN's took exception to the name, and spit on us. :idunno:
necchi said:
Careful with the War shirt thing.
NDN culture is still very current, and when one dabbles as a non-native in things that still have sacred value you can offend folks and not even know it.


:hmm: Our local welfare recipients errrr "Native Americans" wouldn't know "native dress" from Columbia Sportsware and Levi with a casino chip aimed at their heads...
For clothing only braintan is historically correct for North America. Barktan for certain accessories. Modern tanned leather is a complete different product and most unsuitable to be worn on the skin...
Using Miller paintings for authenticating is worse than a joke, IMHO. Unless you believe dogs, back in the day, were taller than tee-pees and most tee-pees had only three poles, etc. As an artist using artistic license he might have been almost as good as the average ten year old. But as a documenter of the times, a total zero.

:shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2:



laffindog said:
Using Miller paintings for authenticating is worse than a joke, IMHO. Unless you believe dogs, back in the day, were taller than tee-pees and most tee-pees had only three poles, etc. As an artist using artistic license he might have been almost as good as the average ten year old. But as a documenter of the times, a total zero.

:shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2:




I did say "IMHO" but I'll take that back.
His childish pics do show dogs taller than tee-pees, etc. Maybe that is where the "pee" part came from. I'd hate to be inside when they lift a leg on my living quarters. :shocked2:
First of all, the problem that you are experiencing has a technical name.....that name is "Closet Shrinkage". It is caused by the heat from the light bulb in the closet. Trust me on this. Would I lie? :shake:

Secondly, and more seriously, like you pointed out, we are all just grown ups playing dress up. Nobody is going to do any time travel and end up back in 1830 and find that the thread in their shirt is not what everyone is wearing that year. It's your shirt, do what the hell you want and up the PC police. There's just too many people out there who are just looking for something to get their panties in a wad over. :idunno: Anyway, stick with us, we are not all PC/HC numb nuts.

Pardon me while I go beat on my drum with my turtle stick.
tecum-tha said:
For clothing only braintan is historically correct for North America. Barktan for certain accessories. Modern tanned leather is a complete different product and most unsuitable to be worn on the skin...

I think you better check your research and facts about ANY commercial tanned buckskin used for clothing in North America. __ Leather and particularly buckskin was imported way before Tandy came along! __ As far as commercially tanned buckskin being "unsuitable to be worn on the skin", __ I have had and worn commercial tanned buckskin for more years, than you have been in this world and it feels fine and hadn't killed me yet or gotten me "rode out on a rail" in any primitive camp!

Rick :stir:
Hey Rifleman1776, are you sure we are talking about the same guy?

I'm talking about A.J. Miller, the trained artist who went to the 1837 rendezvous with William Drumund Stewart to record what he saw on the way to rendezvous and what he saw when he got there. His drawings are important but his comentery that accompanies those drawings in invaluable. I have the book "The West of A.J. Miller" and I have studied it over and over for years. It is entertaining, educational. It sure beats the speculation of the "sons of the Disco Forrest" bull sh*t around the campfires when trying to figure out what was what 175 years ago.

You may think you know more than that, where your information comes from is anyone's guess. But if you aren't counting on A. J. for some of it you are missing a lot. If you don't know what I am referring to then there is no point in continueing the discussion.
Henry Morrison said:
no just a trapper out in the mountains too long adopted by the Crow
You would not be wearing a "war shirt". Unless of course, you had gone into battle with them and earned it. I seriously doubt that that is common enough to "reenact". But, it's your fantasy, make it up as you will. :wink:
Jack Wilson said:
Henry Morrison said:
no just a trapper out in the mountains too long adopted by the Crow
You would not be wearing a "war shirt". Unless of course, you had gone into battle with them and earned it. I seriously doubt that that is common enough to "reenact". But, it's your fantasy, make it up as you will. :wink:
Much to my surprise, I have to agree with Jack. :wink: :haha:

Skip the "War Shirt" and just make some brain tanned clothes.
guys you missed my point I just said war shirt as that is the pattern we used it's just a fringed pull over shirt. My main point was a joke and to make sure people realize that sometimes they are larger than they think. We are used to working in yards of cloth and not square feet of hide
So you are telling me this never happened? What about Jim Beckwith? and this from the guy with a Sig in his avatar :rotf:
Yes, I'm referring to A.J. Miller.
I see his pics on different forum posts and have Googled his images/paintings. There are so many gross errors in the pics I have seen that, to me, he has no credibility as far as chroniciling the eara. And, yes, I know he is often referenced by those who say "they did it this way because a Millers painting......".
Henry Morrison said:
So you are telling me this never happened? What about Jim Beckwith? and this from the guy with a Sig in his avatar :rotf:
Sig? Yeah, it's 2013, not 1813 and you're using a computer.

Beckwith? Sure, let's all portray something very uncommon. :shake: