MOloch and others: My brother and I screened some Goex FFg powder a couple of years ago, and removed from it a lot of " fines" or " dust ". I believe that much of the dust is graphite, which, being a coating, is the first substance knocked off the granules of powder.
When we fired the FFg powder, we were pleasantly surprised to find that we had NO MORE residue in the barrel than we did using FFFg. In fact, we were so surprised that we both checked the powder to make sure we were using FFg rather than FFFg powder( we carry both to the range, along with FFFFg priming powder) Peter had marked the can that was sifted, and sure enough, the FFg powder was out of that can. We even fired some FFg from a can that had NOT BEEN sifted, that I had in my range box, and got the usual clinkers, and residue I have come to expect with FFg powder.
When Peter returned home, he happened to take new readings over his chronograph, using the sifted powder, and the standard deviation of velocity ( SDV) was less using the sifted powder.
Just this week, Pete was comparing Goex FFFg powder to Swiss FFFg powder The Swiss beat out the Goex, but the difference in velocity was much greater when NO OP WAD was used. When he used an OP WAD, the two powder's velocity and SDV were closer together.
He has not sifted ( screened) the Goex FFFg powder, but he noted, in his email to me, that the powder had a lot of " dust " in it when he weighed out the charges on his scale, compared to the Swiss powder. He is going to redo the test on the Goex, after screening the dust out of the powder. My theory, which he will test, is that much of that dust is Graphite, which contributes NOTHING to the velocity of the powder, as it does not burn.The more graphite replaces actual Black Powder, the wider the SDV will be.
We have found in our tests that using an OP WAD helps to burn FFg powder more completely, and eliminates much of the residue we all expect. That indicates just how important having a good gas seal in the barrel is for proper burning to occur. And, as the granule size increases, the need to have that good gas seal increases.( The SDVs are lower when the OP wads are used with both powders.)
We also are finding that getting out the dust, and " fines " from the powder, so that the powder is more uniform in granular sizing aids in more complete combustion. This is reflected in not only easier cleaning and less "clinkers", but by a reduction in the SDV figures.
Since GOEX moved its operations from Pennsylvania, to Louisianna, to their new plant, the powder they produce seems to have less fines in it. ( The benefit of having old guys like me around is that we still have powder we bought years ago! on hand, and we are always picking up new cans of powder when we can find " a deal!") I believe the company is quietly responding to the market place, and the competition that its getting from the Swiss powder among serious target shooters. Its just making a better product.
You should note that it now markets, at a higher price, " Cartridge Grade Powder" which appears to be FFFg powder, but powder that has been more carefully screened to size the granules. It also seems to have less " dust " in the can. There is no reason the cartridge grade powder can't be used in MLers.
Peter and I have talked about his results from his comparison of Goex and Swiss, and he is not satisfied that he controlled properly for all the variables he could. So, he intends to repeat the testing, changing a couple of things. When those results are in, we will compare them to the results he got this week, and he will post his findings here.
We have no doubt that the swiss powder is producing more velocity, and is cleaner, but we want to determine just how close or far apart the two powders are, when our Goex is cleaned up a bit. Then we can honor our late father's reputation for being " frugal", and determine whether the added cost of the Swiss powder is worth spending. :wink: :rotf:
So far, the nod is to the Swiss powder for serious target competition. For off-hand shooting, and hunting, save your money. :shocked2: :hmm: :thumbsup: