Local Black Powder?... Goex or Swiss

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Sound Tribe

40 Cal
Oct 8, 2023
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Hey guys, I am in CT and have a healthy supply of Triple7 or Pyrodex at local stores here, but none seem to carry real black powder aka Goex or Swiss...

I know there's somewhat of a shortage, at least with Goex, but where do you guys who live in the area go to source your real black powder? Or am I better off just ordering online when websites have no hazmat fee sales?

Much appreciated!
Depends on how much you are buying as far as price. If buying in quantity, I've found Buffalo Arms to be the best price. I fyou only want a few pounds probably best to find it local. Occasionally Grafs will have decent online pricing also.
Yeah I am really only looking for the ability to locally grab small amounts, mainly to be able to grab a pound here or there rather than have to wait if in a pinch. if anyone has a good store in the area, i promise I won't be buying the whole supply :)

Thanks for the info for online sources though

Off topic; didn't want to make a new thread ontop of this, but has anyone in CT visited Traditions, Lyman, or CVA (If they're still in state?) "factory"/building? Do they allow public sales, or any type of visits? Maybe at least in person repair drop off/pick up? I'm hoping to give them all a call and see what they say.
Autumn Gunworks in Goshen is the only local vendor I know of with real black powder.
Before I started getting it there I was driving to Winchester, NH. Trader John's Gunshop. Not sure if they still carry it, I believe the son owns it now, things may have changed. Was a cool place to go and a nice drive.
But, Goshen is closer, and there's the Nodine's Country Store not too much further up the road.
Autumn Gunworks in Goshen is the only local vendor I know of with real black powder.
Before I started getting it there I was driving to Winchester, NH. Trader John's Gunshop. Not sure if they still carry it, I believe the son owns it now, things may have changed. Was a cool place to go and a nice drive.
But, Goshen is closer, and there's the Nodine's Country Store not too much further up the road.
Wow cool, had no idea about this place. Not too far of a drive from me either ~50 minutes. I will definitely check this out, plus Nodine's looks great. Thanks!
plus Nodine's looks great
Bring a cooler and stock up. Have a sandwich while there, I like the sweet cured beef, and maybe a giant cookie if you eat sweets, and stock up on bacon, breakfast sausage, smoked cheese, and anything else that strikes you (it's all good, but a little spendy)speedy. You get what you pay for.
Here in southeastern Pa. There is a store called shydas outdoors that sell everything from Guns to reloading to fishing and camping and they usually have Swiss and Goex in 1F, 2F, 3F. It’s nice if someone only needs a pound or two to buy in store instead of ordering. Shipping and haz mat is just to pricey when you only want a little bit.
Here in southeastern Pa. There is a store called shydas outdoors that sell everything from Guns to reloading to fishing and camping and they usually have Swiss and Goex in 1F, 2F, 3F. It’s nice if someone only needs a pound or two to buy in store instead of ordering. Shipping and haz mat is just to pricey when you only want a little bit.
PA is a state I do go to once in a while so anyways so I appreciate that info
Autumn Gunworks in Goshen is the only local vendor I know of with real black powder.
Before I started getting it there I was driving to Winchester, NH. Trader John's Gunshop. Not sure if they still carry it, I believe the son owns it now, things may have changed. Was a cool place to go and a nice drive.
But, Goshen is closer, and there's the Nodine's Country Store not too much further up the road.
Isn't Nodines an uppity smokehouse gourmet place? That's all the goggle gives for Nodine's Country Store anyway???
Isn't Nodines an uppity smokehouse gourmet place? That's all the goggle gives for Nodine's Country Store anyway???
When I googled it, i saw a smokehouse as well. But there is apparently also a store next to it
Depending on what part of PA you go to on occasion, Northeast Trading Co. Sells by the pound. He hasn't had Swiss in a while, but I've gotten Schuetzen from him. Haven't had to buy any for a while, I did a Graf's purchase last year when they were waiving hazmat if you bought so much.
Depending on what part of PA you go to on occasion, Northeast Trading Co. Sells by the pound. He hasn't had Swiss in a while, but I've gotten Schuetzen from him. Haven't had to buy any for a while, I did a Graf's purchase last year when they were waiving hazmat if you bought so much.
Sorry, NE Trading is in Muncy PA.
Isn't Nodines an uppity smokehouse gourmet place? That's all the goggle gives for Nodine's Country Store anyway???
Please, feel free to think of it that way. 🙄
More for the rest of us.

The staff is anything but "uppity."
Yes, much of the product at the store in Goshen is expensive, but it is all good quality, whether it's sandwiches eaten on a picnic table outside there, or stuff from the cases to be brought home and used there,,, it is all top level stuff.

The smokehouse is no longer right next door. It hasn't been for a long time. The facility there became too small for the volume of product they need to make. The smoke house is now in Torrington. (It's actually right behind where my friend's business that I work for now is, this can be a problem when the wind shifts from them to us)
You can even bring your own meats to them to have them smoked. We used to find good sale deals at certain meat markets on pork loins and such and would bring a few there to be smoked.

But, as I said,,, if good food (that you can't get just anywhere) and having to pay for the quality is "uppity" to you,,, please feel free to stick with McDonald's.
Please, feel free to think of it that way. 🙄
More for the rest of us.

The staff is anything but "uppity."
Yes, much of the product at the store in Goshen is expensive, but it is all good quality, whether it's sandwiches eaten on a picnic table outside there, or stuff from the cases to be brought home and used there,,, it is all top level stuff.

The smokehouse is no longer right next door. It hasn't been for a long time. The facility there became too small for the volume of product they need to make. The smoke house is now in Torrington. (It's actually right behind where my friend's business that I work for now is, this can be a problem when the wind shifts from them to us)
You can even bring your own meats to them to have them smoked. We used to find good sale deals at certain meat markets on pork loins and such and would bring a few there to be smoked.

But, as I said,,, if good food (that you can't get just anywhere) and having to pay for the quality is "uppity" to you,,, please feel free to stick with McDonald's.
Nah, Mac is also way too uppity and I'm too cheap, Wendys is about right... Didn't you say there was black powder near there? You mentioned another place other than Automn..
Nah, Mac is also way too uppity and I'm too cheap, Wendys is about right... Didn't you say there was black powder near there? You mentioned another place other than Automn..
Another place near there for black powder?
Not that I know of.
The other gun shop that was close by closed a couple years ago, and didn't carry black powder anyway.
I may have mentioned Trader John's, that is where I used to get my powder before I found out that Autumn carries it.....
But they are not nearby. Trader John's is in Winchester, NH. I have not been there for several years now, although it always was worth the drive. Nice drive once you get off 91, and cool old school New England gun shop. The original owner and his wife passed on a year or two ago, his son owns/runs it now as far as I know. Not sure what if anything he has changed.

Not sure how old you are or what you appreciate, but, depending on where you are returning to from Goshen, if you can go through Torrington on route 4 (you cross it on 63 between Autumn and Nodines) maybe stop at Nutmeg Fudge company. She has great product and has done a superb job of recreating a mid to late 1950s/early 60 malt shop theme, as lots of the old classic candies and gums as well as her own products.
Or have breakfast or lunch at Patti's Place in Thomaston, it's like walking into a Norman Rockwell painting, food is good, reasonable, and Patti is a trip.
Here in southeastern Pa. There is a store called shydas outdoors that sell everything from Guns to reloading to fishing and camping and they usually have Swiss and Goex in 1F, 2F, 3F. It’s nice if someone only needs a pound or two to buy in store instead of ordering. Shipping and haz mat is just to pricey when you only want a little bit.
I am not too far from Shyda's. It is near Lebanon. Nice place. If you come into PA, do not miss Dixon's Muzzleloading Shop in Kempton. You could spend a day there looking around, including all of the firearms hanging from the ceiling. It is pretty much a museum. A few miles off I-78 maybe 10 miles east of Cabela's, north of Kutztown. Another decent place is Darryl's gunshop, near Middlecreek. Middle Creek is a near 6,000 acre Wildlife Management Area managed by the Pennsylvania Game Commission primarily for waterfowl, grassland nesting birds, and wetland dependent species.
Another place near there for black powder?
Not that I know of.
The other gun shop that was close by closed a couple years ago, and didn't carry black powder anyway.
I may have mentioned Trader John's, that is where I used to get my powder before I found out that Autumn carries it.....
But they are not nearby. Trader John's is in Winchester, NH. I have not been there for several years now, although it always was worth the drive. Nice drive once you get off 91, and cool old school New England gun shop. The original owner and his wife passed on a year or two ago, his son owns/runs it now as far as I know. Not sure what if anything he has changed.

Not sure how old you are or what you appreciate, but, depending on where you are returning to from Goshen, if you can go through Torrington on route 4 (you cross it on 63 between Autumn and Nodines) maybe stop at Nutmeg Fudge company. She has great product and has done a superb job of recreating a mid to late 1950s/early 60 malt shop theme, as lots of the old classic candies and gums as well as her own products.
Or have breakfast or lunch at Patti's Place in Thomaston, it's like walking into a Norman Rockwell painting, food is good, reasonable, and Patti is a trip.
We shot at Barkhamsted a short while ago... My first cap lock shot ever... Since then I acquired a 51, 58 and 60 revolvers. Need to get out and shoot the Traditions Mountain faux Hawken more... I shot a flint lock that one of you two had who where there with me that day.....
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