Looking for grips for ASM .36 revolver

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The gun appears to be the small frame M.1862 style which will prove more challenging. Dixie and others can provide walnut, etc., but to get something really special you may need to go through the Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) sites that really go into specialized grips for revolvers for that shooting sport.
I'm not aware of anyone making fancy grips for any of the small frame revolvers, only wood replacements. Most likely you will have to have them custom made. That one certainly deserves a nice set of grips though. I'm glad you bought it, I'll be able to sleep better without it tempting me.
Looks like I am going to have to do just that.

This has been an all day long quest that has been rather aggravating.
I can find a rough set of unfinished wooden grips, but that isn't what I had in mind. If I wanted wood, I wouldn't have thought about changing them.

Stag horn or faux pearl would look spiffy as can be.
I checked that site out and you will probably find it lacking. They specifically say the only Colt style they carry only "P" type which is the SSA and would fit the 51' possibly with some fitting. They're also quite specific about no fitting and no refund. Bummmer! We'll all keep looking for you too! :thumbsup:
No rebated cylinder that I can see? So an 1861 frame not 1862? If so any of the slightly oversize grips for an1851 would work

Tombstone grips makes imitation pearl in both sizes though remember seeing a pair on a 1862 trapper
Yep 10-4 on that and i think they may even take your grips for a mold if they don't have it and give you a free pair for the use of yours,i know one of the grip makers do that,not 100% it's Tombstone..I'm gonna get some for mine also.
I'm feeling Cythialee's pain. I really want a set of stag grips for my '51 Navy. These sights are confusing, and aggravating to say the least :surrender: