Looking for opinions about shot sizes.

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58 Cal.
Feb 3, 2011
Reaction score
Ohio, the land of the Shawnee
When I squirrel hunt with my 62/20 gauge Fowler, I like to use either #5 or #6. What’s the other sizes that would be good for squirrel, that you guys have used? I’ve not tried #7 yet, I have some and may try it on my next outing..
Pattern and distance are the factors, loads need to be shot from your gun not what somebody states their gun will do. Every gun is different, shot size, wad type over shot card or wadding, powder, to fast and a lot of guns donut the pattern, the list goes on. My answer is .600 or .590 and head shots with light powder drop ;)
I mostly use #5 shot for squirrels, pheasant, and turkey. It is a compromise, but a good one.
I really like the killing power and lack of shot in the game of #4 shot, but it can be tough to get a good pattern from.
#6 is easier to get a full pattern from but it takes more shot in the game to put the animal down, and it is more shot of a smaller size so harder to pick out.
I only drop to 7 1/2 shot for quail, partridge, and the one time I got to go dove hunting. But, all those were with antique unmentionable guns.

So, for my uses #5 is either a really good compromise between #6 and #4,,, or it is just the perfect size,,,, depends on perspective.
I'm not an expert But I do kill a lot of Squirrels. I have an original English 12ga double SxS (No chokes). I load it as per VM Star book suggest with 1oz or 1 1/8 of # 5 lead and 30-35 yards patterns great for squirrel. This year I even managed to kill a dove with it when Squirrel hunting. I also have a Modern CVA 12ga SxS that has a little tighter bore still no chokes and I go up to 1 1/4oz. Always square loads.

1 1/2 ozs of #6 shot, works for me.
16 gauge cylinder bore ..using the Skychief loading process..
I’m in the 4’s crowd for sure On squirrels. 5’s also seem good. 6 just didn’t get the penetration but good patterns. I’ve used a number 6, 7 1/2 duplex mixed load on head shooting turkey in fall. Great pattern. Penetrates the neck skin and bone
I use #6 for rabbits,pigons,pheasants, and #4 for duck, goose and coyote. My father never used #5 since he believed it did not pattern as well as #4 or#6 so I never tried #5's