Made a few turkey box calls.

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Rebel said:
There are turkeys around here if you would like to have one of them Field Tested. They look good.

Rebel, are you huntin turkeys now?
PT me your addy i got a call for ya. :)
Received a box call from Pitchpine today and i must say, he does good work. Now i just need to practice with it, since i have never used a box call, and then hope the rain stops so i can get back out in the woods and look for a turkey to try to call with it. Thanks Pitchy. :bow:
Glad it got there ok, good luck and hope ya get one. :) Don`t forget too chalk the side boards. :)
I was going to ask about that. I have never used a box call and didn't know if they needed chalk or not. They were making pretty good noise without it. :grin: Thanks again. Will let you know how it goes.
I used the call that PitchPine sent me today and managed to finally take a turkey. The pic is in the Photo or Hunting forums. I used his call to get them started in from a ways off and then when they were close swithed to a slate call. Thanks for the great call Pitchy. :thumbsup:
That`s great Rebel :applause: very cool, thanks for trying it and your success. :thumbsup:
Hey guys i found a place that will let me hunt turkeys on their property today, wifes relative.
Too late for the spring hunt but i`m going to put in for a license for the fall hunt.
Yippee, might be able to try out one of my own calls, i`m excited. :thumbsup: